David - 2010-11-30

Typically a test uses SipUnit to craete a SIpPhone with a unique "Address of Record". There are some use cases where the AOR is not completely known at the time that the SipPhone is created. An example of this is where the SipPhone is representing a media server that implements the conference services defined in RFC4240 Section 5. In this case the SIPrequest URI generated by applications is of the form:


Where 'uniqueIdentifier' is a unique identifier for the conference.

I'd like to propose a change that allows a test to create a SipPhone with an AOR containing a partial user part. For example


. SipUnit would then match all request messages where the user part of the request URI partially matches the user part of the AOR, i.e. any request URI where the user part begins with



Would anyone else find this a useful addition  to SipUnit?

Cheers David