
bypassedtests eclipse plugin / News: Recent posts

BypassedTests 0.0.3 has been released

This is just a bug fix release (from 0.0.2) to be able to continue working inside Eclipse 3.1

Changes in ver 0.0.2
o) Preferences being used when the builder is invoked should be based on workspace/project specific settings (determined at runtime).
o) Improved performance by extracting string literals and messages from Resource Bundle into statics.
o) Adding help documentation (in progress).

Posted by Vijay Aravamudhan 2006-02-07

0.0.1 version is out!

I have finally been able to release an initial cut. The release has been tested with Eclipse 3.1 and 3.2M4. Any feedback is appreciated.

Posted by Vijay Aravamudhan 2006-01-18