
Feature request: create torrent from external

Bob Cruz
  • Bob Cruz

    Bob Cruz - 2009-06-15

    Feature request:
    I'd wish to create a torrent from an externally stored, web hosted, file, instead of a locally stored file, in such a way that when I go off-line the file still can be downloaded.
    Best regards.

    • Mike Ravkine

      Mike Ravkine - 2009-06-15

      Sorry, but this is only possible via proprietary extensions to BitTorrent, and as a result is very unlikely to ever be supported by MakeTorrent.

    • Bob Cruz

      Bob Cruz - 2009-06-16

      Torrent downloads transmit specific parts of the file instead of the whole file, but this is not new.
      Any download manager software does the same when it resumes a download, by using the good old FTP protocol.
      There should not be difference if those parts of the file are being downloaded from an user's PC or a web server.
      I am not an expert nor programmer, but I think that if this is impossible it isn't because of technical issues, but political or ideological or other issues.
      I think it is technically possible. I do not know about other issues, but it is a good way for having a clearer idea about  who really this kind of tools are designed to serve to.
      Best regards.

      • Mike Ravkine

        Mike Ravkine - 2009-06-16

        What you're asking for is called "WebSeed" and exists:

        uTorrent supports it for single-file torrents only, other clients also offer varying levels of support.  It's a very experimental protocol extension, going ideologically against the nature of P2P, although it's certainly a useful way to initially seed a torrent.

        Unfortunately, MakeTorrent doesn't have a maintainer right now.. I don't run windows anymore, and have no further need of it.  Several people have volunteered to step up as maintainers, but nobody has actually done anything substantial with the code for several years.

    • Bob Cruz

      Bob Cruz - 2009-06-16

      Thank you.
      So it is not so impossible after all.
      I did not know Getright is also a Bittorrent client, but I am not surprised.
      The Bittorrent client Deluge also claims to have that impossible feature.
      Too bad Maketorrent's develpment is stopped.
      Best regards.


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