
best bit torrent client?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    what is the best to, burst, azureus...?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Best for what purposes?  For example, if you want one of the fastest and most efficient, that's where you want Burst.  Minimal waste on unnecessary stuff.  For NORMAL downloading, I'd say Burst or ABC.  In some special cases, despite the fact that it's a little bloated to be perfectly frank, Azureus is the best choice (especially for it's ability to TRY to not download certain files within a torrent.  Note that this option is not 100% accurate.  I've had several files set to not download that it did anyway.)

      Overall, more a matter of personal preference.  People should try them and see which they like best personally.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ABC = hugh RAM load, around 80 MB with 4 torrents loaded lol! Thats a joke ... so BitTorando just sucks, its only good for ONE torrent loading, so ABC is just useless for this, why do i need such much options and statistics for ONE torrent ? becouse more than one torrent = hugh RAM loads!

      Azureus the same, java bullshit , takes lots of RAM and runs/starts very slow always. Sucks.

      burst is the only one Client which is OpenSource and runs at a good RAM/CPU load with perfect options not to much and not to less.

      Forget all commercial Clients with paypal buttons or ads in it etc.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes you are right to say this with the Ram for Java! Burts!Rulez!!! 88 from Germany

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Actually, I have some news in this respect.  Now, I haven't tested it yet, but, I've just recently found a new client named BitComet which is apparently written in C++.  As efficient as burst/etc are, they still are running a script language similar enough to java -- albiet less bloated.  C++, however, is one of the most efficient languages humans can program in (frankly, I consider the Guru who is capable of assembly to be another species.)  ^_^  I don't know, there may be some more efficient ones, perhaps plain C is actually better by some small degree (though those pointers are pretty handy for managing memory) but, this is as good as we can get.

      I'll be testing it soon to see if it's actually reliable.  Eg, no crashes, offers decent features, etc.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Does BitComet come with adverts?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        If that means advertisements, no, it has no advertisements.  There's a little "PayPal Donate" button put in an out of the way place that you aren't required to hit or anything, but, that's the closest thing it has to some sort of revenue generation of any sort.

        Well, I've been playing around for a little while (not long yet) and I've been fairly impressed so far.  It's an actual manager (like Azureus) which means multiple torrents in the same single program rather than being one of those types where you have a seperate copy running for each torrent (well, internally it probably has multiple threads or something, I don't know.)  It even appears to support control of which files you want to download and a global up/download rate control.

        I do have one complaint though.  This is the first BT client I've seen that won't resume and check the directory automatically.  What I mean is, if you have, for example, a torrent that put all it's files in say the "DemoFiles" directory under wherever you put it, then you switch to BitComet and tell it to resume, it will not automatically check the "DemoFiles" directory, but, will instead put the files in the current directory.  A minor complaint, but, if you have preallocate turned on, could be annoying to say the least.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      lol , id say burst is prabably the last client youd want to use ,

      all those people whining about memory and cpu usage (thats why they are there for, to be used )and not knowing how much workload it takes off of the harddrive

      so ,  stfu  you noobs  ,   azureus bitcomet abc are a lot better apps then burst!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i also recommend burst for everyone when u still new to torrent or already a guru. And its true, it really is fast even on lowbandwith,

      Btw, second to Burst! i use BitTorrent Plus! at . this dude is the answer to bitcomet or any client admitting to reduce hardisk usage.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      well been testing out quite a few clients and have noted the following:

      BitTornado: Fastest upload speeds, very good download speeds - but takes up a lot of memory with multiple torrents.

      Azureus: Really bad speeds but good for those with a not so good connection. A lot of functionality but takes too much memory

      BitTorrent: Fastest download speeds

      and Burst: Nearly as fast upload as BitTornado, download speed is alrite....and its a beauty with memory :-)...but no option to download certain files within a torrent (or is there?) - so far my all around fav

      havent tried BitComet - but have heard good things about it...BitLord is another i plan to test, apparently great upload speeds for large bandwidth users.

      cheers all

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      FOR SHURE IT ISNT burst! !!!
      I started some Downloads , and in the beginning the Prog told me it´s about 9 hours ( i thought thats already very long for 300 Megs ) so I waited a few days where I didn´t shut down my small Internet PC.
      At the moment the Downloads are at about 15 days left...
      Then I would prefer to dangerously ( because of  Viruses ) leech with Kazaa or something like that.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      sounds like a dead torrent.

      i never had problems with Burst other than filelist or some other tracker refused it

      so i switched to Bit Tornado
      its not a memory hog i can still play all my memory hungry games with no issues other than ping and other net issues never lack of memory

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      never have issues related to lack of memory ^^^^ editing above reply

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      bitcomet sucks balls it is used by leechers who like getting past the trackers and useing DHT to get outrageous DL speeds and not upload at all

    • Nobody/Anonymous


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