
Hierarchy of categories

  • Peter Sondergeld

    I recently discovered Buddi and I am in the process of trying it out. I like its simplicity and abstract approach.
    I read the tutorial, but could not grasp the concept of parent category (it is not explained in the tutorial).
    I would like to use a hierarchical category concept. For example, define a top level category "fixed costs", with "apartment rent" as a typical subcategory.
    This would allow me to do my planning on the detailed level only for when I consider it necessary (e.g. only for certain time periods).
    In the "My budget" overview, the siblings of a parent category are summed up and shown in brackets, but I do not understand how to use it.
    Best regards from Germany

  • Peter Sondergeld

    Addendum to my first post an hour ago:
    I continued to play around with the hierarchy of categories:
    maybe it is with the reports that I have a problem: the report of income and expenses shows the categories in alphabetical order, not in hierarchical order.
    In order to get an easy to read report, I would have to mirror the hierarchy in the names for the categories, e.g. FixedCosts_rent. I can't imagine that this is your concept.
    Please help.

  • Peter Sondergeld

    I found the report I was looking for, in the list of plug-ins. Sorry that I didn't look there first.
    So my original question seems to boil down to the following:
    what is the theory behind attaching a value to the parent category as you do it in Buddi?
    Should one consider it as a kind of buffer added to the planned values of the child categories?

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2016-01-16

    Hello Peter,

    If you arrange your budgets in a hierarchy, when looking at it in My Budget view you will see the sum of all child entries in brackets: e.g. if your folders are arranged as follows:
    -> Gas 100
    -> Water 50
    -> Phone 30

    then it will show Utilities as $0.00 ($180.00)

    In the core Buddi it is more for organization than for actual reporttng.

    Hope that helps!


  • Peter Sondergeld

    Hello Wyatt,

    I have now done my yearly planning with Buddi, and am very satisfied.
    It turned out that I can do without hierachies (keep it simple!).

    I use version because when I downloaded the newest version, I got the error message, that the program is dammaged.

    Thanks a lot for what you are doing.
    All the best

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2016-01-28

    It sounds like you have things worked out - great!

    As for the damaged version, can you try selecting a different mirror? I have seen it happen in the past that a certain Sourceforge mirror has copied a corrupted version. Normally it sorts itself out in time. Regardless, if you try a different mirror it should be fine.



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