
Chinese characters and Export function

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    First, I am pleased to use this for handling my daily-life financial stuff. Thanks for the great development.

    One problem that I met is that when I tried to export to HTML or CVS file from my buddi report. I found the Chinese character could not show correctly insteads of "??". If you have the time please help us to fix the problem.

    If this issue had been clarified as a bug, I would logged to the bug report!


    • Wyatt

      Wyatt - 2007-04-28

      What Chinese characters are you using?  Is it a translation, or is it in the data file (i.e., an account name, transaction description, etc)?

      If it is a translation, please send me the translation and I will try it out, and see if I can reproduce the problem on my side.  If it is in the data file, please create a new test data file which has the same charcater, and send that to me.  Please also let me know the version of Buddi you are using, as well as operating system you are running on.  You can find my email address at the end of the Readme file.



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