
Multiple Currencies?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm not sure whether this already came up, but I  found it neither in the feature tracker nor in the forum, so i just thought I ask it: Is there a way to get multiple currency support into the tool at some point? This would be really great since I'm currently in the UK and pay in gbp, but all my accounts are based in Germany and are in € obviously (And I bet I'm not the only one in such a Situation). So far I just manually do the calculation before I enter it into the tool but an automatic conversion would be really nice. The ultimate solution could be to have the tool download the rates automatically, but it'd be easier to implement but still very helpful, if I could just define a base currency in the tool and then enter the conversion rates myself.

    Thanks for concidering this...


    • Wyatt

      Wyatt - 2007-03-09

      There have been a few people asking about this.  Unfortunately, there is not really any way to implement it, given the current state of the Buddi data model.  I would have to add a bunch of new fields (to account, transaction, category, etc) to get this to work properly.  Add to that the fact that the majority of users will only use one currency, and it doesn't look like it would be worth the trouble.  Sorry, but I don't think that this feature will be added.  8-(


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I needed to do this same thing.  Until Mr. Olson hears from so many people that it makes the changes worth while (or receives a sizable donation from a single such person), I used the "multiple instances" solution from this thread as a workaround:

      Here's the deal.  I live in Thailand, but receive my income from the US.  I have bank accounts in both countries.  I created two shortcuts using the method described in the thread above, one named "Buddi (Thailand)" and one named "Buddi (US)".  In "Buddi (Thailand)" I have all my Thai accounts, Categories for anything I pay for in Thailand, and an Income Category called "Wired from US".  In "Buddi (US)" I have all my US accounts, Categories for my means of income, and an Expense Category called "Wired to Thailand".

      Now when I receive money as income in the US, I open "Buddi (US)" and record the transaction.  Later in the year, when I wire money from the US to Thailand so I can spend it, I record the number of US Dollars wired in "Buddi (US)" as an expense (Wired to Thailand).  At the same time, I record the number of Thai Baht received in "Buddi (Thailand)" as income.

      It's not perfect, but that's why they call it a workaround - hopefully you can adapt it to your specific situation.  Hope this helps!

             - Adam Heine

    • tikope

      tikope - 2007-04-30

      Very important feature for Europe indeed.


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