
multiple instance's of buddi?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is it possible to run multiple instances of buddi (i.e one program per user) on the same machine?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This really depends on a number of things, including your operating system, and how you start Buddi.

      First off, Buddi is just a Java program, so there is no problem running multiple instances of it in most cases.  The only exception to that is on a Macintosh - for that release, I have bundled it as a regular Macintosh application, which prevents it from being run in multiple instances at the same time.  Note that if you use the .jar version, you can run multiple instances just fine.

      Now, the caveat to the above statement is that by default, each instance will look to the same location for the preferences file.  Since this defaults to a location in the user's home directory, if when you say 'one program per user' you mean multiple OS level user accounts, then this will work just fine.  If, however, you mean 'multiple family members sharing the same computer, all using the same user account', then it is not fine - each person will be overwriting each other's data.

      To prevent this, you can use the -p flag at startup, to specify a different Preferences file.  (The Preferences file is what keeps track of, among other things, the correct data file to open).  For instance, use the command 'java -jar Buddi.jar -p /home/wyatt/.buddi_prefs/prefs.xml' to start Buddi on a Unix machine using the preference location '/home/wyatt/.buddi_prefs/prefs.xml'.  You would use a similar command on Windows: Buddi.exe -p "c:\Documents and Settings\wyatt\Application Data\My Buddi Prefs\prefs.xml".

      Hope this helps; if you have a more specific question about your particular configuration, please let me know.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks very much,it sounds like what i want to do will work ok, I will give it a go and let you know how i get on.


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