
Split Categories?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there an easy way to do split categories for a single transaction? I haven't found any reference to it in the help documentation...

    • Wyatt

      Wyatt - 2007-04-06

      There is no way of doing this currently, and I have no plans to do so for the newar future.  This would require massive changes in the data model, which are not compatible with how it is currently set up.


      • Andrew S.

        Andrew S. - 2007-04-09

        Hi Olson,

        I know from the enterprise-level expense management system on which I work that adding a split/unsplit function complicates not only the data model but also the business logic (reporting, etc.). However, you could provide a basic split operation, without changing the data model, as follows:

        1. User selects an existing expense (say for $150) and chooses Split (via a button, menu item, whatever)

        2. A dialog prompts the user for the amount to split off (say the user enters $50).

        3. Buddi deducts $50 from the original expense (which is now for $100), and creates a clone of the original expense (same categories, etc.), but with an amount of $50.

        What do you think?


        • Matthew Lieder

          Matthew Lieder - 2007-04-09

          I've also come to that same conclusion when figuring out how to handle that same issue in PerfiTrak (my online personal finance application); doing that definitely makes the UI and logic a whole lot simpler :)

        • Wyatt

          Wyatt - 2007-04-10

          This could be possible, although I don't know if it would improve the situation too much... for instance, what happens in the following situation?

          1) Enter a transaction from Chequing to Groceries for $200
          2) Split it off, and make $40 to Auto Fuel.  This makes $160 left in Groceries.
          3) Split off another one, let's say Misc. Expense, for $50.  Does this come off of the first one, or the second?

          How does this improve the situation over manually doing this?  The end result is the same - the main (only?) benefit of split transactions is that you can keep a single transaction with the correct amount, for easier reconciliation with your bank statement.

          While I could probably hack something together to support this, I don't know that it would provide much improvement over the current situation, and would probably complicate things quite a bit (at least from the UI point of view).

          I think that it may be better to hold off for now, and see if in a later revision I change the data model to better support *real* split transactions.


          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2007-05-01

            Although I like the new currency input text box (that shows 0.00 initially), it would be easier to split manually transactions, if the input window would accept simple math (like Grisbi does).

            That way the user can, for example, take a look at a bill, and enter "200-40" in "Checking to Groceries", the sum in the transaction automatically updates to $160 (the calculation 200-40 must not be saved anywhere- only the result).
            Then he can enter a new transaction "Checking to Auto Fuel" for $40.

            Or, even better: Groceries: 13+49+25, Fuel: 48, Misc. Expense: 12+18

            It seems quite funny, that you need help of a calculator for an accounting application.


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