
Import Function not working

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The tool fits perfectly to my requirements, but obligatory for me is the import of .csv files, which should be supported in the tool. Unfortunately the import function is not working in my download. It´s just grey in the menu. Can somoeone please tell me what Id did wrong.

    • Wyatt

      Wyatt - 2007-01-19

      You did not do anything wrong - neither I nor any third parties have yet made an import from CSV plugin yet (or any import, for that matter).  I believe that someone was working on one a month or so ago, but I have not heard back from them for some time - they may have encountered some delays.

      I personally would not use an import to CSV function, and thus my motivation for writing one is quite small.  If there is enough demand, I may consider writing a commercial plugin which does this, which would be available for a small fee (probably about $5 USD).  Would you (or anyone else) be interested in this, if I were to do it?


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I would be very interested to get this import function, since I´d need it in my daily life. It´d help me a lot!

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Hi, i whould like to have a cvs plugin to import the files from my bank directly... for 5$ i'm in.

          are you doing it?


          • Nobody/Anonymous

            There is a third party beta CVS plugin which does this - you can download it from the 'Third Party Content' tracker on this sourceforge page.  At this point, I am not planning on making many import / export plugins, as I am concentrating on the core program.  There are some third parties who I know are working on this, and currently that will probably be your best bet.


    • Matthew Lieder

      Matthew Lieder - 2007-01-20

      If you don't mind a little more effort, I'm working on a website similar to Buddi where I plan to support importing and exporting from/to a number of different formats (for sure CSV importing and Buddi exporting). It might be a month or so until I get the import/export functionality up to snuff, but it could be sooner (or later) too.

      Obviously nowhere near as easy as CSV importing built into Buddi would be, but at least it'll be possible.

      I can't imagine it would be that hard to write a CSV importor for Buddi either... unless it's confusing, undocumented spaghetti code my own uneducated guess would be <5hrs for a decent Java coder.

      • Wyatt

        Wyatt - 2007-01-20

        The difficulty is definitely not on the Buddi side of things - I have defined a plugin interface, which you implement, and that's about it... if you are writing your code in Java, it would be very simple to implement a plugin for it.  For me, it's just a matter of having no time whatsoever. 8-)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'd pay for import functionality--preferably QIF, but CSV would do.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ... i'm interested, too! it would be a main feature for working with online-banking.

    • Matthew Lieder

      Matthew Lieder - 2007-02-11

      I'll do it; I should have something to show within the next few days, time providing.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same here... I'm in for $5 :)

      • Wyatt

        Wyatt - 2007-03-01

        Well, it looks like you're in luck - igx89 is currently working on this, and already has some beta versions out (look under the 'Third Party Content' tracker).  Please send him samples of your bank CSV format, and he will continue to make his already excellent plugin even better.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi everybody,

      Could someone tell us the procedure for installing the plugin for CSV download which is developed by igx89. I am unable to link this to Buddi functionality. I as missing something here I am sure..Could someone please throw some light on it for me and also for the benefit of other newcomers to the Buddi Club of users.

      Thanks heaps,


      • Wyatt

        Wyatt - 2007-04-28

        To add a plugin, you should just be able to go to Preferences -> Plugins, click on Add, and select the .jar file which you want.  Buddi will scan the file and load any plugins found; if there are not any valid ones, it will give an error.

        If you are trying this and it is not working, please let me know your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc), the version of Buddi you are running, and the plugin you are trying to use.  There may be a bug with the plugin, or there may be some other problem.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Wyatt,

      I'm trying as you suggested and selected .jar file but it does not appear in the plugin selection screen! just shows me empty frame only. My o/s is XP professional version 5.1 sp 2. Hope it is a known problem so that I can get the fix rightaway.

      Another thing is that my Buddi main screen (all screens under menu tabs as well) appear much different in GUI sense as opposed to the GUI format you have attached to the Help functions. I'm just letting you know as It could be another issue (may or may not be) with my installation of Buddi base!



      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Hmmm... I don't know about the Plugins - it works for me on all platforms, all the time.  I have not heard of others having problems, either (although it is possible that they just did not mention it).

        As for the strange GUI, can you send a screenshot pointing out the differences?  I can't quite visualize what you are talking about...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Wyatt,

      I've sent you screen dumps on the GUI issue to your gmail email address. Not sure if you receive them. In fact I've sent you the .xmi file for you to look at on my other issue. Please let me know if you have received the emails or not. You may take your time to work on them and feedback when advise or fixes available. Just need to know if you recieve those emails with the attachments.



      • Wyatt

        Wyatt - 2007-04-29

        Sorry Ernest, I have not recieved them.  Could You try again, and ensure the address is correct (or copy and paste from the Readme file)?  I looked in the Spam folder as well, and it's not there either.

        Please include the term Buddi in the subject, so that I will be sure to not miss it.



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