
C & R flags - meaning and usage

Andrew S.
  • Andrew S.

    Andrew S. - 2007-03-21

    I've just started using and writing a plugin for Buddi, so this is really a newbie question.

    What do the "C" and "R" flags mean, and what are they used for?

    Also, is there a way to make Buddi hide transactions that are fully accounted for (whatever that means, possibly this is something to do with the C & R flags). In my case, I am importing hundreds of tranactions from a QIF file, which makes my account window scroll for pages and pages. For each transaction I have to manually assign the correct "to" category (in the case of debits) or the "from" category (in the case of credits). What I would like is for Buddi to automatically (or upon certain filters being applied) filter out the transactions to which I have assigned the correct category, so that the account window only shows the unexplained expenses. Is this built in or would it be a new feature?

    Right now I am assigning the "C" flag to expenses once I have assigned them, then looking through the hundreds of transactions to see which don't have a C, which is pretty painful and error-prone as I'm sure you can imagine.



    • Wyatt

      Wyatt - 2007-03-21

      C and R are Cleared and Reconciled, respectively.  In traditional accounting, one would mark a transaction as Cleared once the payment has gone through (the cheque cleared, etc).  You would mark the transaction as reconciled once you get your bank statement, and you have verified that your records match the bank's.

      I do not do anything with the C and R flags currently - it is just a flag which is shown to the user.  It would be possible (and perhaps a good idea) to include them in the Filter dropdown (currently it only includes date ranges) - if you wish, please submit a feature request for this, and I will look into adding it in a future version.

      In addition, I will likely be adding some reports involving cleared and reconciled transactions - perhaps something like "Show me all transactions which have not been cleared" or something.  If you have any specific ideas on report types, now would be the time to submit them as feature requests - this release will (hopefully) concentrate on the reporting and graph implementations.

      Hope this helps a little


      • Wyatt

        Wyatt - 2007-03-22

        FYI, I have added Not Cleared and Not Reconciled into the Filter pulldown on the transaction window in 2.3.1... please let me know any comments you may have about it.



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