
Controllable number formatting for currencies

No Name
  • No Name

    No Name - 2011-12-22

    First off, I love this app. It does nearly everything I need it to do. One minor issue I have is the lack of any way to change the number formatting. I live and work in Japan so all of my transactions are in Japanese yen. There are 2 changes to the display format that would make it easier to deal in yen

    1) Hiding of the decimal places as there are no decimals in yen
    2) Grouping the numbers by 4s rather than 3s. Ex. 15,600 would become 1 5600

    Again, these are specific to yen and Japanese numbering systems. If there was a section where we could simply set the formatting from "%.2f" to "%.0f" for yen and others, that would do wonders for the readability of my transactions. Item number 2 is nice but not as important.

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2011-12-22

    Unfortunately the decimal places are always going to be there; internally the program records numbers in cents (i.e. $1.00 is recorded as 100), and the two-decimal logic is hard coded.  Changing this would be quite difficult, and would likely introduce bugs as there are things which assume 2 decimals.

    The groupings, however, should automatically happen based on your Java locale settings.  Perhaps your computer is set up using a north american locale?

    Hope this helps…



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