
Some times my transactions dissapear...

  • meiro

    meiro - 2011-11-01

    Sometimes I am adding transactions in the window for "all transactions". then I go to files, save all and the window closes so I look at the summary window and nothing of what I just added appears. It started happening a couple weeks ago. I have version
    Any ideas?

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2011-11-01

    I have never seen this before, nor heard any reports from others of it happening.  Has this happened more than once?  Do you have any idea of how to reproduce it?  (Certain steps, etc).  It certainly sounds serious, so if you can find a sequence of steps to reproduce it, I will definitely look into it to see what is happening.


  • Cramin

    Cramin - 2011-11-29

    This is happening to mine as well.
    I enter a transaction into "cash" or "credit" categories. Then I hit save. After I save it and quit the application, when I open it again the transaction I entered is not there. This does not happen in to every transaction I enter, but it happens EVERY time with these two categories. I have the most up to date version.

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2011-11-29

    Hmm, that's very odd.  What OS are you on?  Can you check the logs file to see if there was any errors while saving?  (Logs are on ~/Library/Logs/Buddi.log in OSX, and C:\Application Support\Buddi\Buddi.log on Windows.)  Feel free to email me the log file directly instead of posting here, as it may contain user names and other potentially sensitive information.

    Also, try to check the modified timestamp on the .buddi3 data file before and after saving.  If all goes well, you should see the timestamp updated after it was saved.

    Let me know…


  • Cramin

    Cramin - 2011-12-03

    I am on Snow Leopard. The modified time stamp didn't change. I lost all of my information that was up to date, except a couple of amounts are different so I know some transactions saved. The only buddi log I found is completely empty. :-( Not sure where to look next.

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2011-12-03

    Has this happened once, or multiple times?  I am on Snow Leopard myself, so it is definitely not an OS thing. 

  • Erica

    Erica - 2012-05-13

    I have had my transactions disappear randomly in the past.  In entering my transactions today, every one under the category "Wedding" would not appear.  The transactions were in the report and were used to calculate my category total, but was not present in the "all transactions" window.  I am on Windows Vista.

  • Wyatt

    Wyatt - 2012-05-14

    Do you have a filter specified (top right corner of the transactions window).  Filters persist across sessions, and are not always obvious if you forgot that you entered one previously.


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