
Suggestion on simpler(?) way to implement automatic unlock

  • Prometheus00

    Prometheus00 - 2014-11-25

    I have understood that implementing true automatic unlocking is rather difficult (and insecure, since it requires users to input the Windows password in BT Prox, and BT Prox has to store the password in a reversible format). I have a suggestion for a different approach that might work:

    When you lock the computer, don't actually lock the computer in the traditional sense. Instead, activate the screen blanker (or use other means to lock the computer in a way controlled by you). When the Bluetooth signal returns, the screen blanker can easily be turned off.

    However, if someone touches the keyboard or mouse without the Bluetooth signal present, btprox will immediately lock the computer and the login-screen is displayed.

    This achieves the same behavior as if you had been able to lock and unlock the computer automatically, but without requiring btprox to have real Windows credentials to really unlock the computer.

  • Uri Kogan

    Uri Kogan - 2014-11-26

    Though, technically possible, I really don't want to implement something like this.
    There are just too many ways around this feature that allow somebody to take control of the machine. Take, for example, simple application crash (hopefully, this won't happen, but who knows?). This will leave the machine unprotected.


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