
BitTorrent++ / News: Recent posts

BT++ Back In Development

Hello All,

Let me be the first to inform you that BT++ will be back in development starting in the near future. Florian has been kind enough to hand over leadership of the development of this program to me and i would like to thank him for being so cooperative. In the next few months I will be continuing where he left off. Please check back in the coming weeks for more of an update.

-Cody Morrison

Posted by Cody Morrison 2004-06-07

BT++ discontinued.

I've finally decided to officially stop development on BT++. This decision is mainly because I myself don't use BT++ anymore. Simply because there is a better BitTorrent client.

It is Azureus at

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-11-24

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.5.4 released

The only thing this release fixes is the problem of finshed downloads not getting moved from the temp to the incoming directory.

Furthermore this will be the last version of BitTorrent++. Upon request of the developers of the original BitTorrent client we will rename the project. Also the first release under the new name will be some time from now. Currently I'm occupied with my Abitur and after that I'll think on how to continue BT++. It WILL be continued, but as I'm not really pleased with all the code (I'm of the opinion that it is a real mess) I could end up rewriting it. Perhaps even in another language than Python.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-05-07

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.5.3 released

The logging system is being rewritten. When finished the whole logging and error reporting will be much easier, which will allow for more detailed reports and stuff. The release also includes some important bug fixes.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-04-05

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.5.2 released

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.5.2 is out... it contains fixes and some more fixes. BitTorrent++ provides improved (download multiple files at once, config, GUI) client for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer sharing solution. This project is also the home of WebTorrent++ a BitTorrent client with a webbased user interface.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-04-01

Regarding download problems

It seems like many people have problems downloading BT++, especially the new releases.
This is simply related to how SF's mirror system works. If I remeber correctly (can't remember where I've read it, though) the files are always uploaded to the Minneapolis mirror first and thus should be available form there right from the start. Then they are slowly (and I also think, only if there is demand) spread over the other mirrors. So if you are not able to get a new release from a particualr mirror alwasy try the Minneapolis one first, then complain.... read more

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-03-31

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.5.1 released

Fixes many minor and some not so minor bugs, that were introduced mainly through rewriting the grid. It also adds/changes some user requested things.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-03-28

Corrupted installer fixed.

The binary package(installer) of the 0.4.0 release of BitTorrent++ somehow got corrupted while uploading it to SourceForge. I've reuploaded the file and this timed tested the upload. Download the file again, now you will be able to install BitTorrent++.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-02-17

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.4.0 released

BitTorrent++ is a client for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing solution. It improves(or will improve) many parts of the original software, like downloading of multiple files at once, configuration of upload and download speeds as well as other behaviours. The GUI and usability is also to be improved greatly.

"Stable" version, including many bugfixes, cosmetic patches and small to medium sized feature improvements.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-02-14

Upload rate restrictions in CVS.

I've just updated the CVS. The update includes some minor bugfixes as well as a working implementation for global(read: applies to all running downloads combined) upload rate restriction. It works fairly well, but will perhaps need some tweaking. Download speed restriction is coming next(most likely paired with a new release).

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-02-04

BitTorrent++ alpha 0.3.0 released

BitTorrent++ is a client for the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing solution. It improves(or will improve) many parts of the original software, like downloading of multiple files at once, configuration of upload and download speeds as well as other behaviours. The GUI and usability is also to be improved greatly.

Alpha 0.3.0 of BitTorrent++ is something like a important milestone for me. It features a table(grid) instead of the tree for displaying the files and transfers.... read more

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-02-03

First version released.

Just released the very first version 0.1.0 You can get it in the download section. Note, that the software is alpha code and may not work as expected.

Posted by Florian Wagner 2003-01-24