
#82 E-mails and bugs - mark incoming as new, followup, ignore


For the moment there is a possibility to read a mailbox
and add the mails as a bug in BugTracker.

But wouldn't it be better if a mailbox was read. And all
the mails where shown in a list and then have the
possibility to:

- create a new bug from a mailmessage
- add the mail to a bug (followups)
- or just ignore the mail

This way it is possible to have a full history of a bug.


  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-13

    Logged In: YES

    I understand the problem you are trying to solve, and I like
    your idea.

    I don't like the idea of having to manually act on each
    incoming email.

    Perhaps another approach would be the ability to merge bugs
    after they have been added. After the fact,

    - doing nothing
    - merging
    - deleting

    corresonds to your

    -- create
    -- add followup
    -- ignore

    Maybe another approach would be the ability to merge the
    histories of a couple bugs?

  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-13
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ctrager
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-13
    • summary: E-mails and bugs --> E-mails and bugs - mark incoming as new, followup, ignore
  • Jochen Jonckheere

    Logged In: YES

    The problem I see with your approach is that there will still be
    some manual work.

    Every e-mail is a bug. E-mails that are not a bug will have to
    be deleted (normally work of an admin). Followups don't need
    a new bug number and they will get it, in the proposed

    My biggest problem was that a lot of people overload our
    support with the lastest jokes and nonsence.

    In the end there is always manual work. There is no way
    around it.

    Merging bugs is indeed an other solution or an extra that can
    be added.

  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-13

    Logged In: YES

    Regarding "people overload our support with the latest jokes..."

    It sounds like for that specific problem, something like a
    spam filter would be helpful. Would something like a spam
    filter help?

    The latest release of btnet includes a little filter that
    says ignore any emails if the subject line contains a
    specified string. It's all I happened to need for my
    real job - there was just this one specific type of email we
    wanted to filter out.

    It probably wouldn't be that hard to add more filtering
    ability. If you were to do it, I could incorporate your
    changes back into the codebase. Only the file pop3main.cs
    needs to be changed, around these lines:

            if \(SubjectMustContain \!= "" &&

    subject.IndexOf(SubjectMustContain) < 0)
    write_line("skipping because subject does not contain: "
    + SubjectMustContain);

            if \(SubjectCannotContain \!= "" &&

    subject.IndexOf(SubjectCannotContain) >= 0)
    write_line("skipping because subject cannot contain: " +

  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-13

    Logged In: YES

    I do like your idea. But our work situations are
    different. At my real job, almost all of the incoming
    emails should be new bugs and we have very few cases where
    there are followups (Remember, if you send an outgoing
    email from btnet, and the receiver responds, the little
    bugid cookie in the subject line will allow the response to
    be posted as a comment back to the original bug.).

    So, your solution would mean more manual work for my
    situation, but less for yours, whereas my solution means
    more manual work for your situation and less for mine.

    Of course it would be nice if btnet could be configurable to
    work both ways. It would probably have to evolve into
    something like a normal email client where various rules
    determine whether an email is deleted, or filed away into a
    special folder. So the btnet rules would be something like:

    if email [subject/body/from address] [does/does not] match
    [specified pattern] take the following action: [new
    bug/delete/put in review queue]

    Then the review queue would work as you propose.

  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-13
    • priority: 3 --> 2
  • Jochen Jonckheere

    • priority: 2 --> 3
  • Jochen Jonckheere

    Logged In: YES

    What you say is correct.
    The program will never be the optimal solution for all

    You are correct when you say that an e-mail client with filter-
    functions would be the best solution. But one of the things I
    like in Bugtracker is it simplicity. More options can make it
    more difficult to use and adminster.

    Maybe the easiest solution would be that there is a possibility
    to either let all things go as it is now or use a small e-

    If I find the time, or better get the time (at work) to program
    a small e-mailclient. Or maybe I can use some opensource
    code, I will send it to you and you can still decide what to do.

  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2004-02-29
    • priority: 3 --> 2
  • Corey Trager

    Corey Trager - 2010-12-24
    • priority: 2 --> 6

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