
CD-ROM show up as Removable and will not boot

  • Øyvin Sømme

    Øyvin Sømme - 2009-08-12

    Hi. My old PC can only boot from floppy,hard-disk and net. So now when I want boot from a CD to install Linux I thought that SBM would be ideal. When booting from floppy, my CD-ROM is recognized both in BIOS and by SBM (version 3.7.1). However, my CD-ROM does not show up with number 'CD0  0'  and name 'CD-ROM' as the documentation says. It turns up with number 'RD1  0' and name 'Removable'. 'RDx' is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation. Is this the cause of my problem? Because, when I select/high-light the line with my 'RD1' and select 'Boot it' from the menu, it is *not* booting from this device but from my old Windows hard-disk image instead ( 'HD0 1' ). Am I doing something wrongly? I hope someone out there can help me out....

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-13

    same problem here. I solved it. Problem was bad setup S-ATA and P-ATA compability mode in BIOS.

    In my case, I change "only S-ATA" mode to "S-ATA + P-ATA" mode. And properly set other options (CD-ROM and S-ATA hdd must be detected in BIOS after restart). Then "SBM" properly detect my CD-ROM as CD-ROM.


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