
Working notes for BT-Q1200 on OSX

  • Kirk Roybal

    Kirk Roybal - 2008-06-19

    I got this working using the instructions found here

    With 2 exceptions.

    The name of the serial port was /dev/tty.iBT-GPS-SPPslave-1

    And i got the error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no rxtxSerial

    So I copied the file librxtxSerial.jnilib from /Applications/GPS/rxtx/Mac_OS_X to /Applications/GPS/rxtx

    That way the library could be found by java.  I don't know if this was the most elegant solution (I am not a Java guy) but it worked for me.


    • Mario De Weerd

      Mario De Weerd - 2008-06-19

      Thank you for your feedback.

      In principle this should be implemented the 'bt747_macosX.command' script (current version to be viewed at )

      On one hand the BT port should be added as a possible port.

      On the other hand the path settnig should be checked out (in principle the " -Djava.library.path=${RXTX_BIN_PATH} " option should be sufficient if the RXTX_BIN_PATH is set correctly.

      So if a Mac user can tweak this start script then it can be integrated in the release.


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