
GPX-Conversion - Speed-Field

  • Joe

    Joe - 2010-11-06

    Hi Mario,
    when using Export GPX, the Speed-Field content is strange. 0,159 km shows as 0,044. What goes wrong ?

    greets Joe

  • Mario De Weerd

    Mario De Weerd - 2010-11-06

    Hi Joe

    That is perfectly normal.  The speed in GPX has 'm/s' as its unit.  To find back the km/h value you have to multiply by 3.6 .  Hence, we have to perform the following operation:
        0,044 m/s * 3.6 = 0,1584 km/h.

    Perfectly in line with your findings ;-).

    Kind regards


  • Joe

    Joe - 2010-11-06

    Hi Mario,
    thx for your "ultra-fast" answer :-))
    Unfortunally, there is no GPX unit-indicator for the speed. In other applications the field is used as km/h.
    Have you any Links for GPX-Standards ?

    greetings from Germany

  • Mario De Weerd

    Mario De Weerd - 2010-11-06

    Sure, here is the documentation explained:

  • Mario De Weerd

    Mario De Weerd - 2010-11-06

    I meant: specification explained.

  • Mario De Weerd

    Mario De Weerd - 2010-11-06

    Also, in GPX1.1 there is no speed field - there is only one in GPX1.0!

    Extensions allow adding other fields but since I do not know of a commonly used public extension, I am not using extension any myself.

  • Joe

    Joe - 2010-11-06

    Hi Mario,
    thx a lot !
    m/s means = meter per second I  had mistakenly miles in mind.
    With this info I get on well more - much more success with BT474.



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