
BT-Q1000X large data downloads fail.

  • babstar

    babstar - 2009-06-01

           I have just purchased the Qstarz BT-Q1000X data logger.  This unit has the MTKV2 chipset, and it would appear to have double the memory of the BT-Q1000.
    Under Linux this unit appears as a /dev/ttyACM0 device (Kernel 2.6.29, or patched earlier kernel). 

    Model data listed from bt747 (V2.X.1322M) software
    Flashinfo:       1C2016C (EON,4MB)
    model:           0003 (Qstarz BT-1000X)
    Firmware:       AXN_1.0-B_1.3_C01 (Qst1000)
    logger SW:     V1.39

    Using the bt747 application seemed to work fine with the unit until I collected approx 53,000 data points. The memory utilization was listed at 125%. 
    bt747 seemed to download the log data, however upon conversion it I just get the "Abort" message and it seems to hang indefinitely.

    All other functions appear to work as expected with bt747.

    I managed to recover & convert the data using mtkbabel 0.7 and 0.81.

    Unfortunately I have cleared the memory, however I will be collecting a significant number of data points over the next couple of days.
    Please let me know I can provide any other information to help debug this problem.


    • Mario De Weerd

      Mario De Weerd - 2009-06-01

      Yes, I am interested in your help to debug this problem.

      What is the size of your memory - is it 4MB?  I made a small fix related to the memory utlisation update so please use the latest dev version (since you are using the dev version).  Previously it would show the memory utilisation but not update it while the memory size was requested after showing the utilisation first.
      The download works for several reasons.

      That the conversion does not work properly is another problem and can still be analysed - you can send me the binary file (email in the about box of the application).

    • babstar

      babstar - 2009-06-01

                    Thanks for the quick reply.  I can only assume that it is a 4Mb memory based on its flashinfo.  The specs do list it as being nominally capable of 200,000 data points, compared to the BT-Q1000 model  with 100,000 points (confusing with the BT-Q1000 and BT-Q1000X variants).
      Interestingly bt747 does seem to list correctly the estimated number of data points (lat & long only gives an estimated 208,076 data points)
      I will email you the binary files as requested.



      • Mario De Weerd

        Mario De Weerd - 2009-06-01

        Ok for the memory size - I just want to make sure the reported value is the correct one.
        They do indeed report a high number of logged positions whihc is valid only if you log just lat and long which is sufficient if you intend to geotag.
        I'll probably not look at your log in the next hours.

    • babstar

      babstar - 2009-06-01

      bt747 does work as expected, it just takes a long time to process the bin files to standard gpx.  Using the OSM gpx conversion is much quicker, even on a slow machine.

      Thanks to mdeweerd for your software


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