
BSD Administration Scripts / News: Recent posts

bsdadminscripts 2.1.4 - critical update to

It has today come to my attention that some FreeBSD ports remember the -j flag from the configure stage and thus break during install, which causes package database corruption.

This update forces -j1 for install to solve this. Please update before installing cairo 1.4.8, if you use buildflags with SUBTHREADS.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2007-06-09

bsdadminscripts 2.1 - vengance of the squirrel tribe

This release is the result of a lot of testing of the buildflags framework. The parser has been completely rewritten in awk, with the result that the syntax is still backwards compatible, but a lot more flexibal and the parser is about 15 times faster than the old .sh script.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-07-19

bsdadminscripts 2.0 - fluffy squirrels

Yep, a new major release, introducing the script, that offers you a syntax to set location dependend make flags.

This release also comes with man pages for rcstart (8), portconfig (8), (8) and buildflags.conf (8).

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-07-15

monochrome release 1.1

Thanks to the massive help of George L. Yermulnik, bsdadminscripts now works on FreeBSD 4.

Apart from FreeBSD 4 support this release does not contain new functionality.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-05-31

no OpenBSD support

For now it seems that Ports in OpenBSD differs from Ports in FreeBSD too far to try support it.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-05-24

FreeBSD Ports

The scripts are now available through the FreeBSD Ports system.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-05-16

green tea release

The 1.0 release is online. Functional changes are relatively small, since the prerelease was working quite well. Now the primary goal is to create a FreeBSD Port.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-05-14

prerelease phase is about to end

There have been several downloads now and no feedback. Thus I assume that everything works fine and will soon put a FreeBSD port together.

It would be nice if there was a volunteer to port rcstart to NetBSD and one to port portconfig to OpenBSD.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-04-17

project opened

I have been waiting for a mail confirming the acceptance of this little project for a couple of days. Today I just recognized that it has been accepted even though no notification has reached me.

The next step is to get the scripts on CVS, make a first snapshot and submit a new FreeBSD port.

I hope I'll also get some feedback from OpenBSD and NetBSD users to help me support several BSDs.

Posted by Kamikaze Dominic Fandrey 2006-04-12