
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Complaints?

  • Michael MacDonald

    If you are one of the hearty few who've given Browse-by-Query a try, or if you've just glanced at the web site--and you have anything to say to the developer (that's me), this is the place (or you can e-mail me...)

    If you see problems with the code or documentation, can think of a useful new feature, hate the syntax and want to suggest a new one, or just want to tell me that the whole thing is a waster of time :), feel free to start a topic here.

    • RubelNCA

      RubelNCA - 2007-04-10

      Hi Michael,

      By reviewing the website, the plugin looks interesting and seems like a great new idea.  Its clear you went to a lot of effort in creating the manual.  However, I couldn't find much for example usage.  It would help illustrate the value and overcome the learning curve tremendously, if you could provide a large variety of example usages.


      • Michael MacDonald

        You're right.

        I've had trouble coming up with examples that were both interesting and not tied to the idiosyncracies of my development process-- I see this is an important lack.

        I'll be working on a revised manual with many more examples.

        --Michael MacDonald

      • Michael MacDonald

        A revised manual with a tutorial chapter has been posted along with the latest release (0.5.4)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i want to search method which has prepared statement\ resultset  but no close method  has been called . Close can be called in the caller method also . for example .


      resultset= method2 ()

      public  Resultset method2 ()
          return resultset


      • Michael MacDonald

        This requirement results in a pretty complex query--

        not exists (
            matching "ResultSet" classes containing matching "close" methods called by
        calls rom   recursive ( methods containing, calls to )  ) calls to methods with type "java.sql.ResultSet"

      • Michael MacDonald

        After a few minutes thought, I came up with this:

        not exists
        ( matching "ResultSet" classes containing matching "close" methods called by calls from recursive ( methods containing, calls to )  ) calls to methods with type "java.sql.ResultSet"

    • Michael MacDonald

      Sorry for the double posts; I'm unfamiliar with this forum software.

      I'd like to include a correctly spelled, formatted version of the query, and a brief explanation.

      not exists (
          matching "ResultSet" classes containing matching "close" methods called by
          calls from
          recursive ( methods containing, calls to )
      ) calls to methods with type "java.sql.ResultSet"

      There are a couple of ways of performing a similar query; I decided to show one that doesn't use the set operators.

      This query starts with the set of calls to methods that return a result set.  Starting with this set, it looks up the call tree of those methods--recursive ( methods containing, calls to )-- looking for a call to "close" in ResultSet.  If such a call is not found, the call returning a ResultSet is displayed.

      You can go into special cases here-- for example, you might not want to recurse all the way up the call tree, but depending on the structure of your app, this may be what you want.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This looks like a great tool, but it would help to have examples for each of the elements. Without that, I'm afraid I'm a bit lost.  At the momement, I just want to find all subtypes of Foo that make calls to another class, Bar.  How would you do that?  The first part is easy enough:

      recursive derived classes of class "Foo"

      and that seems to work. How do I add the rest?

      • Michael MacDonald

        I'm sorry there aren't more examples in the manual.  I should definitely address that.

        In the meantime I can answer your specific question here, and it might serve as the basis for a useful example.

        (Note that for Foo and Bar, I've substituted IEditorPart and IAdaptable from Eclipse, so these will run from the demo page)

        There are two ways to approach such a query in BBQ.  BBQ encourages thinking about sets, and the cleaner way to accomplish the query is to think about in terms of the intersection of two sets, the sets of calls from methods in the child classes of Foo, and the set of calls to methods in class Bar.  Specificially:

           calls from methods in
           recursive derived classes of class "org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart"
           calls to methods in class "org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable"

        Another way to think of it, which is more straightforward to some, is that you are looking at calls from methods in the child classes of Foo, and you want only those calls that meet a certain condition: the condition that the calls are to methods in class Bar.  You can use the 'exists' filter to impose conditions like this:

        exists ( matching "IAdaptable" classes containing methods called by ) calls from methods in
        recursive derived classes of class "org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart"

        The two approaches are equivalent and the queries will return the same set of calls.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I like a lot the idea; but I´ve found myself not getting the point at the syntax. Would be great if the manual has some appendix with bnf grammar for the language, for reference.

      Browse by query seems a great idea to me, and it seems we will hear more about it in the future.

      • Michael MacDonald

        Good idea for the manual--

        Here's a grammar summary for the current CVS version:

            | DELIMITED_QUERY
            | '(' SET_EXPRESSION ')'
            | VALUE_LIST
            | 'execute' SET_EXPRESSION
            | 'previous'
            | 'unset' nameSymbol
            | SET_EXPRESSION 'that' Identity FILTER
            | 'class' literalString
            | 'package' literalString
            | 'all' 'classes'
            | 'all' StringConstant
            | 'all' 'packages'
            | ImportExpression
        #    | [name of a defined set expression]
            | DELIMITED_QUERY ';'
        SET_OPERATOR : 'union'
            | 'intersection'
            | 'deintersection'
            | 'without'
        VALUE_LIST : '(' ')'
            | 'list'
            | 'list' VALUE_EXPRESSION
            | VALUE_EXPRESSION
        SAVING_NAME : 'set' nameSymbol 'to'
        TRANSFORM : 'same'
            | FILTER
            | '(' TRANSFORM ')'
            | VALUE_EXPRESSION
            | 'recursive' '(' TRANSFORM ')'
            | 'recursive' '(' TRANSFORM ',' TRANSFORM ')'
            | 'uncorrelated' '(' SET_EXPRESSION ')'
            | 'unique'
            | TRANSFORM 'that' Identity FILTER
            | 'arguments' 'of'
            | 'recursive' 'base' 'classes' 'of'
            | 'base' 'classes' 'of'
            | 'recursive' 'derived' 'classes' 'of'
            | 'derived' 'classes' 'of'
            | 'methods' 'in'
            | 'fields' 'in'
            | 'polymorphic'
            | 'calls' 'from'
            | Reference 'from'
            | StringConstant Reference 'from'
            | Reference 'to'
            | 'calls' 'to'
            | 'fields' 'with'
            | 'methods' 'with'
            | 'arguments' 'with'
            | 'packages' 'in'
            | 'classes' 'in'
        #    | [name of a defined transform]
        VALUE_EXPRESSION : literalString
            | number
            | 'to' 'string'
            | 'substitute' '(' VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ')'
            | 'substitute' '(' VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ')'
            | GROUP_EXPRESSION
            | FILTER
            | GROUP_EXPRESSION 'of' '(' TRANSFORM ')'
            | 'date' '(' literalString ')'
            | Types 'of'
            | StringConstant
            | Types
            | 'classes' 'containing'
            | 'classes' 'with'
            | 'methods' 'containing'
            | 'methods' 'called' 'by'
            | 'fields' 'referenced' 'by'
            | StringConstant 'referenced' 'by'
            | 'type' 'referenced' 'by'
            | 'methods' 'of'
            | 'packages' 'of'
        Identity : 'is'
            | 'are'
        FILTER : 'not' FILTER
            | 'exists' '(' TRANSFORM ')'
            | '(' FILTER ')'
            | FILTER 'and' FILTER
            | FILTER 'or' FILTER
            | FILTER 'xor' FILTER
            | '~' literalString
            | 'matching' literalString
            | 'write'
            | 'is' 'array'
            | 'is' 'reference' 'type'
            | 'public'
            | 'private'
            | 'protected'
            | 'package'
            | 'abstract'
            | 'static'
            | 'interface'
            | 'deprecated'
            | 'uncalled'
            | UncalledPolymorphic
        StringConstant : 'string'
            | 'strings'
        ImportExpression : 'import'
            | ImportExpression 'set'
            | ImportExpression literalString
        Reference : 'reference'
            | 'references'
        GROUP_EXPRESSION : 'count'
            | 'first'
        Types : 'type'
            | 'types'
            | '<='
            | '='
            | '!='
            | '>='
            | '>'
        UncalledPolymorphic : 'uncalled' 'polymorphic'

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Thanks a Lot, Michael; I know the syntax will vary on next versions, but right now it´ll accelerate learning (at least in my case).

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      This is a great tool. However it would be really useful for me to be able to pass queries on the command line and have the output to stdout rather than from within the gui. This is because I would really like to use it for report generation. Is there anyway to do this?

      • Michael MacDonald

        This is an interesting idea. Browse-by-Query (the standalone version)
        include a simple (rudimentary, undocumented) command line interface.

        You can start it with the following command:

        java -cp bbqstandalone_0.6.3.jar com.antlersoft.analyzer.TestQuery

        Where sample.pj is a BBQ database directory, built with one of the other

        You enter queries at the prompt, and they are executed immediately and the
        results printed.

        There is also a command-line tool for adding classes to a database:

        java -cp bbqstandalone_0.6.3.jar com.antlersoft.analyzer.TestAnalyze sample.pj <file>

        Where <file> can be a .class file, a .jar (all contained class files and
        jars will be added to the database), or a directory (which is traversed and
        all contained class files or jars are added to the database).

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there any way to clear the BBQ database or more importantly remove a project from the database? For instance, I am doing queries on project1 and I now move on to project2, but I do not want my results tainted by possible replicant class/method names in the original project.

    Thanks in advance

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    There is no way to clear specific content from a BBQ database.  Best thing to do in your circumstance is to clear the db and rebuild it do what you want.  There is a menu command in the UI to clear the db (standalone) or to rebuild the db (eclipse).

  • Gary Levin

    Gary Levin - 2009-10-19

    Is there a way to filter methods based on exceptions thrown?

  • Gary Levin

    Gary Levin - 2009-10-19

    Have you considered a graphical display for the sets selected?  One interesting possibility would be to have graphs where

    + Nodes are: packages/classes/methods/call points, selected as sets to be presented
    + The layout handles nesting of packages/classes/methods/call points (possibly presenting the container implicitly)
    + Edges are specified as a transform applied to a subset of nodes, with the other end of the transform being added if not present.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am trying to search for all fields of a certain type. I can use the matching keyword for this but the type I am searching for is a substring of other classes. For example, I am searching for fields matching "Core" and my results might include fields matching "CoreComponent". I know that regular expressions can be used as well, but I can't find a way to specify that I don't want to search for a substring. Is there anything else in BBQ that will allow me to do this? Or does anyone know  how to do it in regular expressions?

  • Michael MacDonald

    You can search for fields of a certain type without using the matching operator.  To search for a field with type "foo.Bar" use this expression:

    fields with type of class "foo.Bar"

  • mirkosoft

    mirkosoft - 2010-12-02

    It would be very helpful if we had some sort of intellisense (auto completion) on package names, classes, methods and fields while writing queries.


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