
BRL-CAD 7.6.0 Released

This release of BRL-CAD includes the addition of a new geometry "Quantitative Analysis" tool called g_qa. This tool is a new tool that combines some of the features of rtweight, rtcheck and g_lint, providing a robust means for computing the weight and volume of objects while also allowing a means to report overlaps, air gaps, external air regions, bounding box dimensions, and more.

Continuing with the impressive ADRT tool suite is the addition of the Interactive Shot Selection Tool (ISST). Using ISST, you can spin large facetized models around in real-time, slice through them with rays, and examine the geometric components along a given path. The tool will take advantage of clusters and SMP hardware similar to RISE, providing a master job manager, a slave compute daemon for network distributed processing, and a client for interacting with and viewing the models.

The list of changes from 7.4.0 to 7.6.0 include:

* configuration build fixes for Tk/Iwidgets
* fixed bug in mged overlay command handling of EOF
* renamed g-wave converter to g-obj
* mged will now work without being installed
* improved ADRT build support
* improved build support detection for OpenGL and X11
* performance enhancements to ADRT
* enabled SGI knobs and button box support for IRIX
* fixed mged startup resource bug
* Enhancements to g_qa for stability and performance
* 'make test' now runs against an uninstalled build tree
* new nightly regression test framework
* g_qa now has option to report interfaces/connections
* mged relocation support
* Doxygen changes to source code comments
* fixed ray-trace unique hits evaluation bug
* added manual page for remapid
* fixed quick memory debugging bug
* improved brlman relocation
* added g_qa geometry quality analysis tool
* added adrt interactive shot selection tool
* simultaneous -o and -F options to rt, rtedge, rtxray

Please visit the Sourceforge project website to download the latest version:

BRL-CAD is a powerful constructive solid geometry solid modeling system that includes an interactive geometry editor, ray tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools.

See the BRL-CAD website at for more information.

Posted by Sean Morrison 2005-09-19

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