
#62 Note triggered from external midi keyboard not audible


Started with: startBristol -jack -obx
jackstats found -rate 44100 -count 128

I am able to hear the audio when I play the virtual keyboard (keys on screen). When I play the midi notes via an external, physical keyboard via midi, the GUI key is visually depressed, but no audio comes. In other words, I play C on the GUI and I see the key go down and the audio comes through the sound card. I play C on the real keyboard and I see the key go down but audio does NOT come out of the keyboard.


  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-12-28

    What version of Bristol is this? I would say it is 0.40 or similar but could be wrong. When you startBristol you should see two new ALSA connections, eiher in aconnect or in qjackctl (or similar tools). One connection is called bristol and is for the audio, the other connection is brighton and it is for the GUI. Prior to 0.50 you needed to connect you MIDI controllers to both bristol AND brighton, bristol does the engine tracking, brighton does controller and program change tracking, etc.

    This changed in 0.50 where you can just connect to bristol, not brighton.

    Alternatively you might have another bug - I cannot rule that out.

    Kind regards, nick.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-02
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ncopeland
  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-02

    This is a bug. There are differences with responses to ALSA SEQ and raw messages that needs to be fixed. It would still help to know which version you have so I can release the correct code. Will take a few days to get a fix out.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-04

    Raised the priority, this needs to be fixed for the 0.50 release and if necessary pushed back into a 0.40 stream too.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-04
    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-12

    Hm, I can't reproduce this anymore. Tested with 0.40.8, 0.50.0 and 0.50.1 and they all worked. Is this an issue with aconnect not being called correctly? What is the MIDI interface being used here - does it show up in aconnect to be linked through to the bristol engine?

    Regards, nick

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-23

    This is going into pending. The current code releases worked with the default ALSA MIDI seq driver when suitably 'aconnect'ed.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-23
    • status: open --> pending
  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-30

    Closed. No longer reproducible.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2010-01-30
    • status: pending --> closed

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