
#46 ALSA write errors: broken pipe (underrun) problems


The ALSA interface appears to have broken with Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04, the device constantly restarts. Does not happen with Jack so the ALSA backend is obviously not the issue. Snippet of the excessively verbose output:

opened audio device with a fragment size of 1024, buffer 85e0320, fd 7/8
Start playback
Start capture
Write Error: Broken pipe -32
Write Failed: -32
Audio device write issue: restart pl 4
audioClose(b7edd0a0, 0, plughw:0,0)
closing alsa capture channel
closing alsa playback channel
bristolAudioOpen(plughw:0,0, 44100, 256, 208004)

These are looped through at a rate of knots.


  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-29

    This is probably another case of a bug not getting reported, I can't understand how it has not been seen elsewhere with ALSA being the default interface - admittedly many users will have Jack. Upgraded the development boot partition to 9.04 and still had it here implying it was not an issue with 8.10 where the problem first occcured but which was known to have issues with realtime/audio apps.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-29
    • summary: ALSA write errors: EPIPE (underrun) problems --> ALSA write errors: broken pipe (underrun) problems
  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-29

    Resolution for libbristolaudio/audioEngineALSA.c

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-29

    Submitted code that actually applies a stop threshold, this was just left to default previously and that may have changed in the recent ALSA releases. The problem no longer occurs here but as yet this has not been tested elsewhere.

    File is attached to this case.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-29
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Andrew C

    Andrew C - 2009-05-31

    Ok, I can hear the sound, but there is a problem with crackling on my speakers... Maybe this is to do with my settings?

    startBristol -b3 -audiodev hw:1,0
    checking availability of TCP port 5028
    using port 5028
    generate bandwidth limited waveforms(31, 12)
    spawning midi thread
    Fixing samplerate at 44100
    rescheduled thread: 50
    parent going into idle loop
    Init waiting for midi thread OK status
    midi sequencer
    Opened listening control socket: 5028
    midiOpen: bristol(100)
    Client ID = 129
    Queue ID = 0
    Registered 129 0
    Device name "bristol" did not parse, defaults 128.0
    Got midi thread OK status
    bristol version 0.40.3
    connected to :0.0
    display is 1680 by 1050 pixels
    Window is w 1680, h 1050, d 24, 0 0 0
    Using DirectColor display
    Initialise the hammondB3 link to bristol: 816a3d0
    hostname is localhost, bristol
    TCP port: 5028
    Accepted connection from 0 (3) onto 2 (5)
    Connected to the bristol control socket: 4
    bristolengine already active
    created 32 voices: allocated 32 to synth
    spawning audio thread
    bristolAudioOpen(hw:1,0, 44100, 256, 1200008)
    audioOpen(a7dad1a0, 0, 1024): hw:1,0
    opening device hw:1,0, flags 0000000d
    open playback on hw:1,0, pre 8
    rescheduled thread: 75
    Jack init waiting for audio thread OK status
    Hardware PCM card 1 'HDA Intel' device 0 subdevice 0
    Its setup is:
    stream : PLAYBACK
    access : RW_INTERLEAVED
    format : S16_LE
    subformat : STD
    channels : 2
    rate : 44100
    exact rate : 44100 (44100/1)
    msbits : 16
    buffer_size : 2048
    period_size : 1024
    period_time : 23219
    tstamp_mode : NONE
    period_step : 1
    avail_min : 1024
    period_event : 0
    start_threshold : 2147483647
    stop_threshold : 8192
    silence_threshold: 0
    silence_size : 0
    boundary : 1073741824
    open capture on hw:1,0: pre 8
    Hardware PCM card 1 'HDA Intel' device 0 subdevice 0
    Its setup is:
    stream : CAPTURE
    access : RW_INTERLEAVED
    format : S16_LE
    subformat : STD
    channels : 2
    rate : 44100
    exact rate : 44100 (44100/1)
    msbits : 16
    buffer_size : 2048
    period_size : 1024
    period_time : 23219
    tstamp_mode : NONE
    period_step : 1
    avail_min : 1024
    period_event : 0
    start_threshold : 2147483647
    stop_threshold : 8192
    silence_threshold: 0
    silence_size : 0
    boundary : 1073741824
    opened audio device with a fragment size of 1024, buffer 81d5050, fd 7/8
    Start playback
    Start capture
    initialising one hammond sound
    No private microtonal mapping for hammond
    veloc first 0.00 last 1.00
    hostname is localhost, bristol
    TCP port: 5028
    Accepted connection from 0 (3) onto 3 (9)
    Connected to the bristol control socket: 5
    bristolengine already active
    created 32 voices: allocated 32 to synth
    initialising one hammond second manual
    No private microtonal mapping for hammondB3
    veloc first 1.00 last 1.00
    user r 1000/1000, e 1000/1000
    Client ID = 130
    Queue ID = 1
    Registered 130 0
    Device name "brighton" did not parse, defaults 128.0
    opened GUI midi handle: 2, fd 6
    Read Configuration: hammondB3
    brightonWorldChanged(765 400 10 10)
    going operational: 8160008, 816a3d0
    brightonWorldChanged(922 1033 765 400)
    brightonWorldChanged(922 1033 1670 873)
    brightonWorldChanged(922 1033 1670 873)

    I then quit here, not a crash/bug!

    exit algo: 1, 831c248, 2
    audioClose(a7dad1a0, 0, hw:1,0)
    closing alsa capture channel
    closing alsa playback channel
    Terminate MIDI signalling
    audio thread returned: exiting.
    parent exiting
    return - no data in buffer
    socket closed
    request acked: -1


  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-31

    Hi Andrew,

    From the debug output the original issue with broken pipe is gone. Now I don't get crackling here but is this the same noise you get from the Pro-10? Perhaps not, but since I can hear that one now it would be helpful if they were related.

    Another bug to be opened perhaps.

    Regards, Nick.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-31
    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-05-31

    Damn, I can hear it now - how did that get out. As far as I can tell its not the same issue: turn off your percussive on 4' and 2 2/3' - it should go away. This is something with the legato percussive logic, will fix it, if you only press a single key then the percussive seems to restart on every buffer of sound, does not happen with multiple keys. It is also damaging the key grooming circuit since there is now apparent keyclick on note_off which the grooming circuit it supposed to remove.

    Regards, Nick.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-06-07
    • status: open-fixed --> pending-fixed
  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-06-07

    This bug now has two issues resolved against it. The first was watermarks being incorrectly set, the second resolved the other clicks and pops by reorganising the counts and buffer sizes that were actually wrong.

    Code has been uploaded in 0.40.4.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-06-16

    Code distributed.

  • Nick Copeland

    Nick Copeland - 2009-06-16
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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