
#2 F3-F6


The F3..F6 Keys are normaly used by Exposé on Mac OS X
They have to be on different keys.
mac 10.5.5
python 2.5.1


  • Paul

    Paul - 2009-01-17

    I will take a look at this for the next version. In the mean time you could go through brainworkshop.pyw and search for "key.F" to find all the function key references.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Are you using an "old" Apple keyboard?

    On the newer keyboards they replaced the "Help" button over the cursors with a "fn" one that acts just like the "fn" buttons on the laptops and makes the F# keys have different behaviours.

    You can see the difference here, marked with the number 2:

    I'm using a laptop and don't know for sure, but maybe they updated the function of the "Help" button on the Operating System to act as if it were a "fn" button.

    It won't hurt giving it a try.

  • Jonathan Toomim

    Jonathan Toomim - 2009-03-11

    I believe the default keys for Expose are F8-F10, not F3-F6. If F3-F6 are set for Expose on your computer, that's probably because someone changed the default keys for your computer. You do normally have to hold down fn to use the F* keys on Macs, unless you click the relevant checkbox in the Keyboard pane of the Keyboard & Mouse page in System Preferences. I'm using OS X 10.5.6 on a Macbook, and I have no difficulty modifying the Manual settings. I'm changing the Resolution status to Works For Me. If anyone else is having issues with this, please say so.

  • Jonathan Toomim

    Jonathan Toomim - 2009-03-11
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me

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