
#8 slow launching using unencap flag


jon reported that he was getting slow down after many unencap files built up in his temp folder, and that deleting them solved the slow down. unanswered question: why should many files here slow us down???

"Have noticed that each subsequent run of my oculo model takes longer. Figured out it’s something to do with all the files in C:\Program Files\SystemML\BRAHMS\temp. Deleting them fixes the problem.

Not sure why this would cause prob? Maybe matlab keeping file handles open?


problem it turns out is solvable as "could speed this up a lot simply by starting with a time-based prefix to the temp filename (or a random one, even, or both!). this way you'd be unlikely to be searching for more than one file before you found one that was allowd. - demo code in my project brahms folder under "jon" sub-folder." because otherwise matlab is searching through potentially many many files and it perhaps has a slow implementation of exist().

however, in addition we need to clear these files up. i will submit a separate bug for this.

(workaround, of course, is to manually clear the temp folder when this becomes a problem).


  • mitch

    mitch - 2008-01-15

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    we now use unique (based on time) instance id to generate filenames, avoiding the long search

  • mitch

    mitch - 2008-01-15
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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