
#180 Create DI Information and auto layout


Hi Blenta,

so I'm searching for a tool or BPMN 2.0 engine that can generate DI information form an BPMN 2.0 xml file that has no diagram interchange data and auto layout the contained process(es) so that it looks ok.

I was very exited when reading up on your yaoqiang bpmn editor!
It says on the front page: "Automatically generate BPMN 2.0 Diagram Interchange information", so I tested "java -jar org.yaoqiang.asaf.bpmn-graph.jar myfile.bpmn --export newfile.bpmn" and "java -jar org.yaoqiang.asaf.bpmn-graph.jar myfile.bpmn --export newfile.png" to see the output when inputting a xml file with no DI data.
It does generate the diagram interchange information and it also tries to auto layout but on my examples it made a mess, stacking everything on top of each other.

Could you explain how I can get a better result or what I did wrong?
For comaprison I uploaded a file I tested this with:
The file was created using your editor (just two simple lanes, 2 tasks, a start and end event and sequence flows inbetween).

-First file is called Input.bmpn - its the saved bpmn file with the DI data still present
-Second file is called NoDI.bpmn - thats the file that got stripped from the DI part
-Last file is called AutoLayouted.bpmn - it's the resulting file thats being outputted by using the process above

You can see that the last file looks strange, I also tested the same using your editor (GUI) for the autolayouting after loading the DIless bpmn file, result was the same.

Thanks for your great software in advance!

Best regards,

Lutz Heissenberger


  • 史耀强(Blenta)

    Hi Lutz Heissenberger,

    Thanks for your interest in my software.
    The test process is no problem. This is an issue of the editor itself.
    When there are swimlanes in the diagram, the editor cannot generate the DI part correctly.
    Because if there are no DI part, the editor doesn't know whether the swimlane is vertical or horizontal and the lane orders.

    Best regards,


    Last edit: 史耀强(Blenta) 2015-12-05
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-12-07

    Hi Blenta,

    Thanks for the quick answer!

    Would it help to create the DI information for the lanes and then run it through auto layouting?
    I could imagine just creating lanes in the desired order with some static small size and then pass that xml file into your editor.

    Best regards,


  • 史耀强(Blenta)

    Hi Lutz,

    I will try to implement this feature in future version.


  • 史耀强(Blenta)

    Ticket moved from /p/bpmn/support-requests/76/



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