
#2 platform support and integrating


Hi, is this cross platform software?
And how easy is it to integrate with existing application?
I have an OpenGL program where I want to replace the UI with something more complete, your library looks promising.
Is there any documentation available on integrating it with existing code?



  • Sam

    Sam - 2010-03-26

    There are intentions to support multiple platforms. Currently however, this project only compiles under Windows.

    It is still in it's very early stages.
    Easy integration, and tutorials / samples are among the top priorities, however this may still be a fair way off.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The flightgear project is also looking for an open source, OpenGL GUI library (c++) for updating its GUI:

    It must be GPL compatible, though.
    Also, all features (widgets) supported by its current GUI (plib pui) must obviously also be supported.

  • Sam

    Sam - 2010-09-23

    Thanks for your interest and comments.
    The boxes project has come a long way in recent months, however effort to begin porting it to Linux has not yet started (though is planned for soon).

    The boxes project library is LGPL, which I believe is compatible with GPL, and from what I can see, the features provided by plib.pui used by flightgear, can be mostly, if not fully implemented by boxes project.

    A windows demo is available in the files section, but I suggest that you watch this space for further updates.


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