
Viewing and access...

  • DSG

    DSG - 2008-12-28

    Is it possible to do the following:

    I know nothing about scripting, so if you can, please show me how to do this with examples of code; I would like to give access to login and add to one person, and then display the calendar on a public page without any login options. 

    Can this be done with relative ease?

    Also, is there an easy tweak to display all rooms and their usage slots per day on one page?

    • VIP member

      VIP member - 2008-12-29

      A simple solution to hide login or add_event functions is to replace the table cell with admin options. You can find it in

      Replace this code:

              <td align="center" valign="top">

      with something like this:

              <td align="center" valign="top">
                      // if user logged in do the default:
                      if (!empty($_SESSION['valid_user'])) {
                      // if not logged in: do not display user_nav or add_event, display e.g. your logo:
                      else echo '
                         <img src="' . DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'mylogo.gif" alt="My Logo" /> ';

      Finally you have to edit index.php file:

      replace this:
      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=user_login.php" />

      with this:
      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=month_view.php" />

      You have to direct the login users to use user_login.php to log in.

    • DSG

      DSG - 2008-12-29

      Indeed! very easy. 

      Thank you, I am one step closer to having a usable application.

      Should I assume the viewing option modification is far more complex, or too detailed to explain?

      All I need now is a day view to look something like;

      Room 1                   
      7-9am Subject Desc
      9:30-10am Subject Desc
      etc... throughout the day

      Room 2
      7-9am Subject Desc
      9:30-10am Subject Desc
      etc... throughout the day

      Room 3
      7-9am Subject Desc
      9:30-10am Subject Desc
      etc... throughout the day

      and I can make a lot of nice people very happy.

    • DSG

      DSG - 2008-12-29


      The view I need should be in terms of time slots, not rooms.  For example;

      Room 1: Display Subject Line
      Room 3: Display Subject Line

      Room 2: Display Subject Line
      Room 3: Display Subject Line

      Room 1: Display Subject Line
      Room 2: Display Subject Line
      Room 3: Display Subject Line

    • DSG

      DSG - 2008-12-29


      The view I need should be in terms of time slots, not rooms.  For example;

      Room 1: Display Subject Line
      Room 3: Display Subject Line

      Room 2: Display Subject Line
      Room 3: Display Subject Line

      Room 1: Display Subject Line
      Room 2: Display Subject Line
      Room 3: Display Subject Line


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