
Multithreading / multi job

  • Riccardo Prandini

    Hi I'm interested in the possibility to do a conversion of a lot of files i re encode my library of file.
    So I asked why not process n file at a same time?
    Is related with this answer (the bit reserved by codec)?

  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2015-11-16

    Hi Riccardo,

    the fre:ac snapshot version does exactly that. It processes multiple files in parallel and can be configured to use all CPU cores in your computer.

    Please have a look at the 20151004 snapshot release available at or in the SourceForge files section.

    The snapshots are preview releases of the upcoming fre:ac 1.1. There will be a new version with additional features and bug fixes in a few days.


  • Steve

    Steve - 2016-12-29

    Any idea when this capability will make it into production? Like most people, I have multiple cores available and would like to use them, but I don't want to use what is effectively alpha or beta software. The multithreaded MP3 encoder helps, but at least on my system it never uses more than about 40% of the CPU, so being able to procss multiple files in parallel would be useful.

    To be clear, I understand this is a project you do in your free time, and I appreciate that this means it's low on the priority scale. Thank you for your time and effort.

  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2016-12-29

    It's difficult to predict, 'cause other things (life) might get in the way. But my plan is to make a 1.1 beta release in a few months. The final release should follow a few months later then.

    However, just that the snapshots are not official releases does not mean they should not be used. If you would like to make use of the new features, I encourage you to try the snapshot releases. In fact I'm thinking about making the snapshots the recommended download on soon. After all, the main reason why there's no official 1.1 release yet is just because some features I want in 1.1 are still missing.

  • Steve

    Steve - 2016-12-29

    Thank you.


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