
#130 Album art selector case sensitive to file extensions?

Next snapshot

Running Linux Mint 18.1 Mate, freac 20161129.
Not a huge bug, but It appears to me that the album art selector is case sensitive, that is it does not detect XYZ.JPG as an image but XYZ.jpg is detected as one. Have to 'show all files' to be able to select the file. I suggest changing the behaviour to be case insensitive to extenstions.


  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2017-01-30
    • status: open --> pending
  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2017-01-30

    Thank you for reporting this!

    Whether to fix this or not is a bit controversial. fre:ac uses the GTK+ file open dialog and treating file extensions case sensitive is a design decision made by the GTK+ developers. So, after changing this, fre:ac will behave differently compared to most other GTK+ applications. Also, technically, a .JPG file is not a .jpg file; it has a different and invalid file extension on a case sensitive file system. There's at least one case I know, where this makes a difference: .c files are usually C source code, while .C files are usually C++.

    However, image files with a .JPG or .PNG extension or audio files ending in .WAV are quite common, especially when dealing with media coming from Windows systems. Also, GTK+ seems to be the only toolkit that handles extensions this way in its file open dialog. Qt, for example, ignores case of file extensions in this case. And finally, there are lots of examples where application developers change the standard behavior of the GTK+ dialog for their applications.

    So, long story short, I decided to change/fix this in the next snapshot.

    This ticket will be closed 2 weeks after the next snapshot release.

  • illusiveman

    illusiveman - 2017-01-31

    Hm, interesting. I did not know GTK handled things that way. I do agree that sometimes there are differences between cases, but its not common in my opinion (I maybe wrong here). I remember reading in the past that you have implemented some sort of check to determine the file type instead of using its extension (from one of my previous bug reports). So having a case insensitive version should not be a problem, because if it is not an image, I would assume you bit of code will catch that and discard the file.

  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2017-03-18

    This should be fixed in the 20170317 snapshot. Please try it.

  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2017-04-04
    • status: pending --> closed
  • Robert Kausch

    Robert Kausch - 2017-04-04

    Closing this, two weeks after a release with a fix is out.



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