
Bodington (tm) / News: Recent posts

Bodington 2.8.0 released with Apache license

The Bodington project is pleased to announce the release of version 2.8.0, now under the OSI certified Apache 2 license.

Bodington is a free, institutional scale VLE, implemented and supported by a wide group of educational institutions, led by Oxford, UHI and Leeds. More information can be found at

New features:
* Support for MySQL database added.

* Newsfeed display: RSS and Atom newsfeeds can be rendered in a variety of ways.... read more

Posted by Colin Tatham 2006-10-03

Developers meeting 17/18 October 2006

This meeting will be held in Exeter. Details to follow.

Posted by adam marshall 2006-06-05

Developer meeting 1 June 2006

The biggest ever Bodington devlopers meeting has just been held in Leeds. There were 12 developers persent. The notes can be foound at:

Posted by adam marshall 2006-06-05

Bodington is the UK's 3rd most popular VLE

Yes - it's true; well, more or less!

According to the UCISA report (referenced below) Bodington is the third most deployed VLE in HE behind Blackboard and WebCT.

- Blackboard 43%
- WebCT 37%
- Bodington 8%

There is actually a large percentage of nameless 'in-house' VLEs but of the named systems Bodington is indeed in third place (along with Moodle).

The report entitled:
VLE Surveys : A longitudinal perspective between March 2001, March 2003 and March 2005 for Higher Education in the United Kingdom has just been completed and is available from: ... read more

Posted by adam marshall 2005-12-14

Bodington 2.6.0 (stable) released.

Bodington is a free, instiutional scale VLE implemented and supported by a wide group of educational
institutions, led by Oxford, UHI, Leeds and Machester. More information can be found at

This release, 2.6.0, is a major production release and includes support for many
enhancements and new features:

* Ant support - for developers (

* Jave 1.5 support

* Context listener support... read more

Posted by Sean Mehan 2005-09-05

Bodington 2.4.3 released

Bodington will now build and run on JDK 1.5.

Bugfixes include limiting database column name length, to cater for Oracle and older versions of PostgreSQL.

Posted by Colin Tatham 2005-05-11

Bodington 2.4.2 (stable) released.

Release 2.4.2 changes: This release enhances the already included Shibboleth IdP support with the inclusion of a pre-configured, embedded Guanxi Shibboleth compatible Identity Provider. This release also includes important security enhancements. For more information on Guanxi, go to

and for Shibboleth go to

Posted by Sean Mehan 2005-04-27

Bodington 2.4.1 released

Release 2.4.1 has been done to fix an installation bug in Release 2.4.0 affecting Tomcat startup files on Linux

Posted by Jane Jotcham 2005-04-04

Bodington 2.4.0 released

Release 2.4.0 is mainly about code consolidation of recent developments and fixes.

Posted by Michael Thomas 2005-03-10

Released 2.1.0 RC4

Bodington 2.1.0 Release candidate 4 has been released. This release has an important fix for a security issue incorporated.

Posted by Jon Maber 2004-01-28

Released 2.1.1 Stable 1

While continuing to fix bugs in 2.1.0 work is also underway on 2.1.1. This release is for developers only and may have new bugs in as a result of the new funtionality.

Posted by Jon Maber 2004-01-16

Released 2.1.0 RC3

A new release candidate for Bodington 2.1.0 has been published on sourceforge. This fixes all outstanding bugs reported on sourceforge against RC2. There are some other bugs to still resolve.

Posted by Jon Maber 2004-01-16

Released 2.1.0 RC2

This release is currently in use at Leeds and so with respect to use with Win2K + MS SQL + Sun ONE web server it is of production quality. However, this release has not yet been tested with other OS/DB/Web Server products. A number of reported installation bugs have been fixed but this release it to allow Bodington users to test installation with various permutations of these other products and report back.

Posted by Jon Maber 2003-08-26

Released Bodington 2.1.0 RC1 on SourceForge

This is the most recent release of the software from the web site. It is now available from sourceforge too. Based on numerous comments a new release candidate will be available soon.

Posted by Jon Maber 2003-08-16

Bodington Moves to SourceForge

Following the first user group meeting at Leeds where several participants endorsed the proposal to publish Bodington source code here the project has now been created here.
It will take a little while to set things up to really take advantage of sourceforge. I've got the source code into the CVS system and tested the developer interface but it will take a while to work through to the back up server which is used for anonymous access.
In due course I'll set up suitable bug and feature request categories.

Posted by Jon Maber 2003-08-13