
#436 Please open Bochs project wiki


wiki is not necessary to be duplicating documentation, I would like to manage in wiki stuff like:

  • Users stats about supported guest/host operating system and status
  • Guides about how to install and compile Bochs (something like Darek wrote in his blog at
  • Known issues

and other hot information about the project.

Also other people (not necessary project admins) could write their parts as well.



  • Peladon

    Peladon - 2011-06-03

    On the "Supported host OS" section of the "Users information" page on the Wiki, please add these lines:
    ·Windows (32 and 64 bit)
    ·Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X

    This will allow all of us to know which host operating systems Bochs supports.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman

    Bochs wiki is open but it is empty.
    Unfurtunatelly Bochs developers are busy with developing the Bochs project and therefore we need support from others.
    To code wiki you don't need any special programming skills so anybody could go Bochs wiki and start shaping it. Bochs developers wll support any efforts.

    peladofeo, step asking, start doing something !
    currently you are not very different of my cat in your behavior :)


  • Peladon

    Peladon - 2011-06-03

    Excuse me, but editing the wiki is limited to editors and admins.

  • David Guarneri

    David Guarneri - 2011-11-10

    I would like to help with the wiki. It may take some time for me to catch up since it's been a while since I've contributed. I'll be spending some time reading the current documentation and discussions, as well as doing some testing. Another item that can be added to the wiki is how to find documentation that is not included in the wiki.


  • Stanislav Shwartsman

    Hello David,

    Your help with Bochs wiki will be greatly appreciated. Currently Bochs wiki pagea are empty but we really want to populate it. I presonally have dozen of ideas to add into existing wiki vut I don't know how to shape it up in first place. At the beginning the wiki could contain Bochs user docs exactly as is, once started it can be modified by users with a time.

    Can you give a snall favor already ?
    I am concerned from peladofeo comment about who can edit the wiki pages. Cab you check if you, for example, as ordinary registered SF user can modify Bochs wiki ?

    if not - I will talk with SF support and enable editing by anybody.



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