
Compiling bochs ...

Jack Ruijs
  • Jack Ruijs

    Jack Ruijs - 2015-06-22

    I have very bad experiences with compiling source code from closed or open source projects, from CUDA projects to simple linux drivers, so I was very reluctant to download the bochs sourcecode to get the debugger running as was mentioned here ... (docs/user: 8.14.1. Configuring Bochs The GDB stub is not active in standard Bochs binary package. So you must recompile Bochs. Download the Bochs source package, unpack it and run the configure script with the --enable-gdb-stub argument.)

    But because I see potential in using the debugger to get to do exactly what I want with some minor changes, I give it a go and try to download the bochs source-code and get it compiled and get it working ... (and explain it step by step to follow my thoughts as feedback)

    • I'm not a fan of open source projects (another discussion) but my stomach turned when seeing that my only options for compiling bochs on a windows platform are VC++ and CygWin/MinGW/MSYS. I heard of CygWin but only have (very bad) experience with VC++. What to choose ...? I know that VC++ changes the project-file format for every version they deploy, but still, it is the only world I have some experience with ... (and assume the open source project covers all the VC-versions out there ...)
  • Jack Ruijs

    Jack Ruijs - 2015-06-22

    I'm lost on this page:

    It explains the compiling of bochs, but if I want to use VC++ (what version is not explained) I need to use either a linux station or cygwin to run some kind of exotic configure script to create the VC-files (?!?). I have lubuntu installed somewhere and installed all developer packages, so why can't I use that one for all the compiling?

    I decided to skip VC++ altogether and try to compile bochs on my lubuntu environment ... (also because much of the bochs text seem to be linux oriented) ...

  • Jack Ruijs

    Jack Ruijs - 2015-06-23

    I got it compiling by making 2 changes:

    • Somehow the configure x-flag is not set automatically with unpacking the source-files and I needed to start ./configure using sh ./configure instead (minor problem)

    • Also the first build failed on the message that no c-compiled program could be run and I needed to run it with the --host=xxx option. However no indication was given what xxx should be (also not present in the --help option screen. But I tried (wild guess) i686 and it worked! I wonder if I can also cross-compile it for windows, but what parameter to pass in that case ...? It would however prevented the real critical compile-error ...


    And then when running make, after a while it failed on a missing include file used in


    Although I saw a lot of checks passing by (so it has focus which is good) if the compile would work at all on my system, somehow the check for the installed X-version is not present.

    What version of X do I need to install to get it compiling (I installed lubuntu and developer packages some weeks ago, so I should have a decent version)? Or is this linux distribution/version related?


  • Jack Ruijs

    Jack Ruijs - 2015-06-23

    I apparently need to install the libxrandr-dev package. But ... I don't want to do that, I installed lubuntu mostly for using gcc and only want "standard" packages installed (I don't like developing software that depends on too many non-standard libs/packages etc.., mainly because the code then is very hard to port to other systems (like real unix)) ...

    I switched back to the VC++ option and am downloading VC2013 from the microsoft website, "only" 6 hours to go for downloading the iso-image ... (:-<)


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