
Bochs versus VirtualBox

  • Kelly Carter

    Kelly Carter - 2009-09-28

    Newbie (new to emulation) question: If I want to emulate an x86 (i486
    specifically) on a Windows machine for the purpose of debugging an assembly
    language program--that does not normally run under Windows (rather, runs on an
    avionics mission computer on an aircraft; not under a commercial OS), would
    Bochs be better than another emulator product such as VirtualBox? My concern
    is that any emulator that uses dynamic recompilation or such trades off
    realism of machine execution for speed of emulation. If I'm troubleshooting an
    ASM program using an emulator, I want the emulated program to run as
    faithfully as possible so that I can see realistically what's happening in
    registers, flags, and memory. I don't want the emulator substituting code or
    using tricks just to run faster. I believe I want fidelity over speed
    (although speed is good).

    Also, am I correct that Bochs keeps getting faster as the community optimizes
    it, so relative speed of Bochs versus other emulators is becoming less of an

    To you experts in emulation, are my concerns about VirtualBox and similar
    emulators valid? Is Bochs a safer choice because it emulates the original code
    as faithfully as possible?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman


    The VirtualBox is not an emulator on the same meaning as Bochs is. There are
    three main emulation/virtualization techniques - Pure Emulation (Bochs), JIT
    (Qemu) and virtualization, possibly hardware assisted (VirtualBox, VirtualPC,
    Vmware and others). You could go wiki and learn in details what is the
    difference between them.
    Pure emulator tries to fetch/decode/execute every guest instruction alone, JIT
    recompiles guest code into host one to archive better performance, virtualizer
    tweaks segments/paging/system structures in the right way to be able to run
    guest code on host nativly, with very little modification.

    VirtualBox doesn't emulate Ring3 instructions, it just runs all Ring3 code
    nativly on the host - it is fastest and most accurate way to do

    JIT machine translates guest code into host and in theory could make it 100%
    accurate way (Intel Pin is good example for very accurate
    JIT). But to make things run faster and JIT easier it might cut corners and
    trade accuracy for speed - as Qemu does.

    Emulator as Bochs also could cut corners to archive better performance. In
    fact Bochs actually does it - when you disable x86 hardware debugging
    facilities or x86 hardware alignment check Bochs emulation runs faster. x86
    hardware debugging stuff even not enabled by default in Bochs releases. Also
    Bochs, as others, mght have bugs and get incorrect, different from actual
    hardware result, in some corner cases. Even in Ring3 code which will never
    happen to VirtualPC or VmWare.

    So the difference isn't in accuracy. The main difference between these three
    technologies is controllability. VirtualBox could run code, but nothing more.
    You cannot interfere with virtualized code in any way, only using host
    hardware facilities.

    JIT could instrument your code using predefined instrumentation code, your
    instrumentation calls usually JITted together with guest code on the fly. But
    inside translated block you almost can't have any control.

    Pure emulation gives you full control over emulated system. You could have
    fully featured powerful debugger inside the emulator and have access to every
    piece of emulated hardware, control every instruction executing and even
    emulation time. You could stop virtual machine on any place, examine and
    change its state and when resume - and no guest software could figure out it
    actually had been stopped.

    Bochs has very powerful integrated GUI debugger for your needs. From speed
    meaning - Bochs on Core 2 runs faster than real i486 hardware did so speed is
    good but shouldn't be issue for you :)


  • Peter

    Peter - 2010-03-27

    You should write a book about how to make an emulator


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