
#1282 Multiple issues when compiling for Windows


I've tried to compile Bochs 2.5.1 for Windows x64 several times, both natively and cross-compiling, but I kept running into a problem with This is because it's not meant for Windows. Looking through the configure file, I see that '-pc-mingw32' is used to detect MinGW. This is a problem, as I compiled MinGW w64 from source, and its host is 'x86_64-w64-mingw32'. I fixed this with "sed -i -e 's/-pc-mingw32/-mingw32/' configure" and continued compiling, but I later ran into another issue: It did not use x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres like it did with g++, but it tried to execute 'windres', which didn't exist. I symlinked it and moved on. Now I'm getting errors about "build\win32\nsis\logo.ico" being missing, yet it is clearly present. Are these bugs? If not, why is Bochs giving me so much grief? The Windows install is Windows 7, and the Linux install is BT5 (2.6.38).


  • Kineta

    Kineta - 2012-02-18

    Also, the source files in cpu/cpudb seem to require the headers in cpu. I fixed it temporarily by copying them to cpudb.

  • Stanislav Shwartsman

    Intead of adding proper -I switch ?
    I suggest you to read anothe bug report and see if you have some commonalities.
    If yes - the same fix might be applied to you as well.

    [3459998] Bochs cannot be compiled outside the source tree


  • Stanislav Shwartsman

    The patch merged to SVN rev11046. Can you check if it works for you ?


  • Kineta

    Kineta - 2012-02-20

    Nope, I still have the problem. I would suggest running "sed -i -e 's/pc-mingw32/-mingw32/' configure" to fix the mis-identification of MinGW-w64. I've attached a log of my build, including "uname -a" and the svn command.

  • Kineta

    Kineta - 2012-02-20

    Bochs build log

  • Volker Ruppert

    Volker Ruppert - 2012-02-20

    Can you please try again with the latest SVN sources (rev. 11053) ? I have now changed all checks for MinGW target cases to '-mingw32'.

  • Kineta

    Kineta - 2012-02-21

    Using the same BT5 install, it now starts to compile for Windows, but now if I try to build it outside of the source directory, it complains about bochs.h being missing. Also, it looks for "windres" when it should be looking for "x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres".

  • Kineta

    Kineta - 2012-02-21

    Using the same BT5 install, it now starts to compile for Windows, but now if I try to build it outside of the source directory, it complains about bochs.h being missing. Also, it looks for "windres" when it should be looking for "x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres".

  • Volker Ruppert

    Volker Ruppert - 2021-01-17
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Volker Ruppert
    • Group: --> fixed_in_SVN
  • Volker Ruppert

    Volker Ruppert - 2021-01-17

    The windres issue is now also fixed in SVN and the Bochs compilation on Linux for Windows now successfullx finishes. I have added a new shortcut script as an example for cross compiling.


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