
Convert MXF OP1A to Atom via batch file

  • Fabien Lenoir

    Fabien Lenoir - 2016-01-27

    I want to convert a MXF OP1a file transcoded by Rhozet Carbon coder using bmx transwrap and un batch file.

    So i send info into the file but my batch doesn't seem to work where it works like a charme when i use the command line tool.

    here's the batch file :

    @echo off
    cd C:\ytdl
    set variable=%1
    set variable2=%variable:~8%
    echo %variable2%>outputecho.txt
    bmxtranswrap -t avid -o name %variable2%

    any idea ?


  • Philip de Nier

    Philip de Nier - 2016-01-27

    I don't know the details of Windows batch files, but I assume you meant to do something like

    bmxtranswrap -t avid -o %variable2% %1


  • Fabien Lenoir

    Fabien Lenoir - 2016-01-27

    Thanks for your reply

    In fact my line is ok ,

    what i dont understand is that the line is not working in the batch file and the same line whitout the variable works nicely in the CMD

    My question is : is there any kind of specific command when i use a batch file with bmxtranswrap ?

    do you have any example of working batch files ?


  • Philip de Nier

    Philip de Nier - 2016-01-27

    I'm not aware of anything specific when using using bmxtranswrap in batch files, but then again I don't use Windows.

    Maybe you need to add quotes if your filenames have spaces?

    Google provided this example:
