
Is BloGTK alive?

  • Saša Janiška

    Saša Janiška - 2004-09-30


    Is the project still alive in terms of further development?


    • Jay Reding

      Jay Reding - 2004-11-16

      It's just resting...

      In all seriousness, I do intend to do more work on BloGTK, although I don't have a timeframe down. For the moment, BloGTK does everything it was intended to do, which is why it's in a holding pattern at the moment.

      As soon as I get some time, I'll start rebuilding my development environment and working on future directions for BloGTK.

      • Saša Janiška

        Saša Janiška - 2004-11-28

        >In all seriousness, I do intend to do more work on BloGTK, although I don't have a timeframe down. For the moment, BloGTK does everything it was intended to do, which is why it's in a holding pattern at the moment.

        It would be nice to have support for WP1.3.

        They were changing something regarding xmlrpc in 1.3alpha, and I could not get it to work :-(


    • Jay Reding

      Jay Reding - 2005-01-09

      Fortunately the WordPress 1.5 nighlies seem to work just fine with BloGTK. The XML-RPC problems were on the WordPress end, but fortunately they appear to be have been fixed now.


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