
#52 Subject encoded wrong


Cyrillic simbols in subject displayed wrong from some index in string.
I do:
>blat body.html -to -sf subject.txt -server -f -html -8bitmime -log blat.log -charset utf-8

I get letter in Thunderbird 10 with subject:
Изменен оттиск печат��

Source code of subject in mail:
Subject: =?utf-8?b?0JjQt9C80LXQvdC10L0g0L7RgtGC0LjRgdC6INC/0LXRh9Cw0YLQ?=

2012.03.06 14:17:03 (Tue)------------Start of Session-----------------
Blat v3.0.0 w/GSS encryption (build : Feb 17 2012 17:46:41)
Sending body.html to
Subject: Изменен оттиск печати на рассчетных документах
Login name is
2012.03.06 14:17:06 (Tue)-------------End of Session------------------


  • Valery Qwertovsky

    subject file

  • Valery Qwertovsky

    I get letter in The Bat 3.80.06 with subject:
    Изменен оттиск печат?? на рассчетных документ??х

  • Valery Qwertovsky

    I send mail from Thunderbird 10 with some subject and get:

    Subject: =?UTF-8?B?0JjQt9C80LXQvdC10L0g0L7RgtGC0LjRgdC6INC/0LXRh9Cw0YLQuCA=?=

  • Chip

    Chip - 2012-03-06

    What was the actual subject line that you used? Please send your subject.txt file to me directly so I can debug through the Blat source. My email address is chip dot programmer at att dot net.


  • Chip

    Chip - 2012-03-06

    What was the actual subject line that you used? Please send your subject.txt file to me directly so I can debug through the Blat source. My email address is chip dot programmer at att dot net.


  • Chip

    Chip - 2012-03-06

    I found one small issue with Blat and got that solved. I still need to see what happens with the subject line when I get home and can test my changes against your subject.txt file.


  • C. Loos

    C. Loos - 2012-06-13

    I also found a problem with the subject encoding and german umlauts , maybe it is the same bug.

    The original subject is:
    Abnahmedaten für das Projekt 20705833 laden!

    In Blat 2.6.2 the subject is correct encoded:

    But in Blat 3.0.4 the subject is wrong encoded:


  • Chip

    Chip - 2012-06-13

    Thank you, Chris.

    This past weekend I was working on another report related to this, and the issue has been solved for version 3.0.5. I still have one other item to fix, the use of -attachT option, before releasing version 3.0.5.


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