
Archiving eml files in Archives with additional fields

  • Tullio Carretta

    Tullio Carretta - 2017-02-18

    Dear Bitfarm,

    First of all let me send a BIG THANK YOU to you for giving to me and to the whole Community, such e usefull product.

    After searching a while through all the DMS Systems, I foud Bitfarm Archiv and now I believe it is perfect for my personal needs. It is interesting to say that I’m using it, both server and client, on my old XP PC with excellent performances.

    In oder to learn how to use the system, I tried to test each of the many functionalities it has, but sometimes I found some unexpected behaviours.

    Now, I am testing the archiving of e-mails with .eml files. So I configured a folder named “mails” in Bitfarm, with some additional fields named “Data”, “Mittente”, “Destinatario”, “Oggetto”, “CC”.

    First of all I discovered that the following configuration should be present in file Script.ini:


    or, at least, should be set to true the first one.

    Then, although I defined the following statements in bitfarm.wfd, I do not get any value in the additional fields once I archive one mail.

    settings section
    USE [Empfangsdatum] FOR %Data%
    USE [Absender] FOR %Mittente%
    USE [Betreff] FOR %Oggetto%
    USE [Empfaenger] FOR %Destinatari%
    USE [CC] FOR %cc%
    end section

    If, instead I define the name of the addional fields in german, evrything works eg:

    settings section
    USE [Empfangsdatum] FOR % Empfangsdatum %
    USE [Absender] FOR % Absender %
    USE [Betreff] FOR % Betreff %
    USE [Empfaenger] FOR % Empfaenger %
    USE [CC] FOR %cc%
    end section

    Of course I must define the same name in the addional fields.

    Looking inside emlconvert.vbs I saw that if I modify line 745 in the following way I can get the expected result:

    If LCase(zusatzfeldname(i))="absender" Or LCase(zusatzfeldname(i))="von" Or LCase(zusatzfeldname(i))="mittente" Then

    For sure it is not the case to modify sources, just because there are customized additional fields. So I start investigating further.

    When I rightclick on an eml file and select copy to Bitfarm”, copytobitfarm.vbs is called. It writes a file in directory %Data%. Then “Archivirungdienst.vbs copy it in "uebergabe" and finally in "queue" directory, where it is retrieved by “Archivirung.vbs”. So far so good.

    It seems like Artchivirung.vbs calls, on line 2249, emlconvert too early, since the Function “using()” is invoked later on line 3559. Therefore emlconvert.vbs has no knowledge that “Absender” and “Mittente” are the same field, since it is not indicated in the .job file generated by Archivirung.vbs before calling emlconvert.vbs.

    Is it the correct this diagnoses? And if so, is it possible to move (or copy) the using() Function to emlconvert, or call it earlier inside Archivirung?

    Further more I discovered that the field CC is overwritten by the BCC contents since the “CC” substring is also contained in “BCC”. A possible fix for it, on line 8321 of Archivirung.vbs, could be:

    ElseIf InStr(1,kette,"BCC=",1)=1 Then

    In fact the value returned by “InString(...)” is 2 and it is <> from 0, because the match is on the second character.

    You should qavoid also in all other occurencies, where you use the statement InString(...)<>0.

    Finally, after line 756 of emlconvert.vbs, you did not return back any value for the cc variable. Is it wanted? If not, I guess you should add a statement like the following:

    If LCase(zusatzfeldname(i))="cc" Then

    Reporting to you what I discovered and the possible fixes, is the only mean I have to say to you thank you.

    Kind regards


  • bitfarm19

    bitfarm19 - 2017-02-22

    Dear Mr.Carretta,

    first of all we want to thank you for the positiv feedback about our DMS System.

    The archiving of e-mails is not an feature from the GPL-Version, it is only integrated in the Enterprise Edition.

  • Tullio Carretta

    Tullio Carretta - 2017-02-22

    Dear bitfarm19,

    Thank you for your kind answer.

    You may say you do not support such a feature but not that it is not a feature of the GPL-Version since I am using it every day and with the above fixes also additional fields work fine.

    Anyway thank you again.

    Best regards.



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