
sending to bitfarm Archiv pops up in german

  • Tullio Carretta

    Tullio Carretta - 2017-03-10

    Dear Bitfarm,

    Since, I must admit, I fell in love with Bitfarm Archiv, I submit to you what I find as unexpected behaviour, during my usage, always together with possibible fixes, to help you and the whole Community to progress with this nice product.

    I therefore inform you that, when you right click on a file and choose "sendto-> Bitfarm Achiv" the screen pops up in german.

    Here possible fixes:

    1) First a very quick, although rough, fix:

    Replace line 321 in file "copytobitfarm.vbs" with the following:

    lngReturnCode = objWSHShell.Run(Chr(34)& programm&"ImporterV3.exe" &Chr(34)& " " &Chr(34)& programm&profil&".con" &Chr(34)& " -lang:en" &Chr(34),1,True)

    Of course this works only for english installations.

    2) We may want a more sofisticated management.

    • Add the following line in Scripts.ini
    • In copytobitfarm.vbs line 32 add:

    still in copytobitfarm.vbs replace line 321 with the following two:

    lang= "-lang:"&Language
    lngReturnCode = objWSHShell.Run(Chr(34)& programm&"ImporterV3.exe" &Chr(34)& " " &Chr(34)& programm&profil&".con " &Chr(34)& " "&Chr(34) & lang & Chr(34) ,1,True) 

    Finally at line 1306, still of copytobitfarm.vbs, insert the following.

                If InStr(1,kette,"language",1)<>0 Then
                    If Language="" Then
                        Language = wert
                    End If
                End If

    That's it.


    Tullio Carretta


  • bitfarm17

    bitfarm17 - 2017-03-17

    Dear Mr. Carretta,
    in normal cases the import window should be displayed in english on english systems. If it is not so, please check the following:

    Open the Control Panel -> Region and Language.
    In the following Dialog change to the category Administrative and click the Button Copy settings.
    Another dialog will open. If in the section Welcome screen another another language than English is configure then check the Box "Welcome screen and system accounts".
    Now click Ok and in the dialog before Ok too.
    After this, reboot your computer.
    From now on, the import window should be displayed in english without any changes in our scripts.

  • Tullio Carretta

    Tullio Carretta - 2017-03-22

    Dear bitfarm17,

    First of all let me thank you very much for your kind answer.

    I am very happy if there is a way to avoid changing your software. I had a look in the sources just because I did not find written anyware what you described above and because there was at least one post waiting an answer, from some years, exactly on this same subject.

    I tried what you suggest on a Windows 7 PC, with Italian Language, but unfortunately with no success. Importer still pops up in German.

    Please note that Viewer, Administrator and Manuscan display correctly in English, since I Installed English version. Of course they behave in that way because it is possible for them to have the option -lang:en set, while this is not possible for Copytobitfarm.vbs.

    Let me also add the following. Even when Importer is forced to display in English, there is some text still in German. E.G. the field "Links" is still displayed "Verknüpfung".

    I hope you understand well I am sending this feedback in the pure spirit of cooperation in order to emprove your nice product. I have several other findings on other topics related to both supported and/or unsupported features which, If you are interested, I can forward to you.

    Please accept my best regards



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