
bitcollider 0.5.1 (0.6 release candidate)

Several new changes have been made to the "bitcollider" CVS module:

* MD5 and CRC32 calculation are now options. For the command-line 'bitcollider', they are enabled via the '--md5' and '--crc32' flags. For the Windows graphical (and shell-integrated) Bitcollider, they are enabled via the registry: set the keys 'CalculateCRC32' or 'CalculateMD5' under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bitzi to the DWORD value 1 to calculate, 0 or undefined to not calculate.
* Dialog labelling in the Windows graphical Bitcollider has been updated for clarity.

These are in addition to changes from the past year, not reflected in the last 0.4.0 official release, which include:

* The Video metadata extraction plug-in, contributed by user Delirium. (See this message for details.)
* Corrected TigerTree calculation, in accordance with the THEX specification, version 2.

We would appreciate it if users who are capable of building their own Bitcollider from CVS would fetch the latest sources (or the "candidate_0_5_1" tag) and verify correct operation in their usual system configurations.

Barring discovered problems, this code will become the official release "Bitcollider 0.6", with convenient installers, in the next few weeks.

[slightly modified from ]

Posted by Mike Linksvayer 2003-10-29

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