
Bit-Scav 1.7.1 Released!!!

YAY! A new version finally. Its serously been a while. I have been working hard on getting the app to pull seed and peer data from source sites, alas it was pretty hard. I have implemented a table-parser (becase seed and peer data usualy exists in a HTML table), but it only works about half the time. Well, actully, about a third of the page you declair as sources probably dont even show seed/peer information, and the other percentage may or may not be displying the information in a way that is easy to parse out. Basicly, the current parser I have built will look for any table that (1) has a ".torrent" file string somewhere in it, and (2) does NOT have another table within it.

I added 2 in there because it was a MAJOR pain in the ass to make code that could handel tabels within tables. Beleave me, I tried. And tried, and tried again. I did eventully get it to work, but in the end it wasnt worth it. So this simpiler one will just have to do for now (untill i make it better).

I do plan on adding to this project more, (especialy the table parser), and want to add more functions like auto-downloading (BS can detect if a file is somthing you want, and start the download without asking), and spesific-detail torent liks (being abel to parse out the torrent details page and provide a link to it - if it exists in the document).

Any other ideas? please leave a message on the boards, thankx.

Posted by SomeWhiteGuy 2004-06-24

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