

Alois Schloegl

Installing Biosig (libbiosig and biosig-tools)

GNU/Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)

The easiest approach willl be using the pre-packaged version from your distro.

sudo apt-get install biosig-tools libbiosig-dev

If that version is too old, or you prefer to install from source, you need these prerequisites

apt-get install \
gawk \
libb64-dev tinyxml-dev \
liboctave-dev \
python3-numpy \
python3-setuptools \
libpython3-dev \
R default-jdk-headless

After downloading and extracting the source packages, you can install it with

     ./configure && make && sudo make install 

If you do not need all language bindings (Octave, Python, Java, and R), you can omit the prerequisites to those, and configure will generate a Makefile only for the available languages.


Download the Biosig binary package for Windows, and unzip biosig in a suitable directory. The biosig tools (command line tools, e.g. for data conversion), are available in the ...\bin subdirectory.
The mexbiosig files are stored in the ...\matlab subdirectory, Biosig4Octmat is available from ...\share\matlab\
The mathematica bindings are available in ...\mathematica\biosig.exe, the demos are available in ...\share\mathematica


The easiest approach is using homebrew. Once homebrew is installed, you just need to

  brew install biosig

Installing from source (nix, GNU/Linux, Unix/BSD, cygwin, WSL, ...)

Download the source package and run

sudo make install 

Depending on your setup, the various language bindings are also installed. E.g. if you have Python/Numpy, Octave, Matlab, Mathematica, R, Java installed, the corresponding interfaces are also set up.

Installing mexBiosig on Octave

As a prerequisite, libbiosig need to be installed on the host platform, e.g. through brew, apt, or compiled from source. Octave for Windows comes also with libbiosig included. You need to run only:

  pkg install 

 pkg install -global 
 pkg install 

In order to use, you run

pkg load mexbiosig

Installing mexBiosig on Matlab

Microsoft Windows

Download and extract the binary releases for windows. The mex-functions of mexBiosig are are available in


Copy the .mexw files into your working directory, or add the matlab path to that directory.

Matlab on *nix (GNU/Linux, MacOSX)

Download the source package and run

make -C biosig4c++ mex4m 

This will generate the mex files in the subdirectory $(pwd)/biosig4c++/mex
You can move the .mex files into your working directory, or add this directory to the Matlab path.

Installing Biosig for Python

On *NIX (Linux, MacOSX), you need to have libbiosig installed first. On windows, the binary wheel are available that includes libbiosig.
Here ist the easiest approach

Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)

apt install python3-biosig

or in your own venv

apt install libbiosig-dev
pip install biosig


brew install biosig         # on MacOSX
pip install biosig


Binary wheels for python 3.9 - 3.12 are provided

    pip install biosig      


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