
Bioloid Control / News: Recent posts

Article on Bioloid Control in portuguese

Alessandro de Oliveira Faria wrote an article in portuguese about installing, configuring and utilisation of Bioloid Control in linux.

If you don't speak portuguese you might find the video: showing Bioloid Control in action interesting.

The article is located here:

Posted by Rainer Jäkel 2008-09-17

Humanoid Videos

I've created some short clips in the context of a discussion at robosavvy (

Check out the videos:

Posted by Rainer Jäkel 2008-05-04

Custom programs / Help wanted

If you want to participate in the project or have programmed a nice addition to the main program please let me know!

Posted by Rainer Jäkel 2008-04-27

Project Web Site

The Project Web Site is online:

Posted by Rainer Jäkel 2008-04-26