
Bilding / News: Recent posts

New release: 00.12.02!

*Finally,* bilding is translated to English. (A Swedish translation is also provided in the package.)

Translations are stored in XML-files; hopefull it'll be quite easy for users to write own translations. ---If you do, mail me them, and I'll put them in the next release.

Also new in 00.12.02, is a hitcounter. Hits are counted for the index-page, and individual pages.

Posted by Kristian 2006-07-08

New release! (00.12.01)

Sorry for all the Swedish in the previous release! I've tried to translate much of it to English; although much is still to be done, I hope it's at least a bit more understandable now.

I've added a hitcounter, and the transition from MySQL to XMl is close. I expect it to be done in the near future.

It's still a very long way to go, but this is a step on the way.

Posted by Kristian 2006-06-12