
#4 Add auction# field entry in window.

Dave Baker

Rather than open a tiny window to take auction numbers
to add, it would be nice to have a text entry box on
the top line of the window (next to where the clock is).

Even with my descriptions condensed for size there is
still plenty of space to fit it in on my window.


  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    It's very funny that you should submit this because I was
    griping about the extra step of a window just the other day,
    in fact, right before I read this feature request. I'm
    playing around with where I want the box but I am doing away
    with the add window. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll close
    the ticket once its in CVS.

  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kevindication
  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28
    • status: open --> closed
  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    OK I did it, and I bounced the add box back and forth with
    the status box and finally left it where it is. Gimme some
    feedback on its placement, and whether it works completely.
    I tested it, and it seems to but I can never be too sure.
    Users tend to hack best.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    (SF isn't let me log in at the moment - don't know why)

    Yep - I like the placement. I have a couple of comments on
    user interface though.

    1) Blank the field on a successful item addition. If I'm
    adding a bunch all at once it saves me having to delete it

    2) Accept [enter] in the field instead of having to click on
    the "+" icon.

    Thanks ... the application is starting to become very useful
    for me.

  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    Good ideas, I'll see what I can do about them.
    Also, I just noticed a strange bug that may be the result of
    this change, when I delete an auction, it isn't really
    deleted. Have to figure out what's going on.

  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    Haha, tracked that one fast. The bug is in the
    implementation of my head in that it requires sleep once in
    a while. ;)

  • Kevin Dwyer

    Kevin Dwyer - 2002-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    OK, I added in your suggestions. One exception is that the
    entry box only accepts the "Real" enter. (The one that sits
    above Shift). I'll try to figure out how to get the other
    one working. Thanks again.


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