
#1484 Sorting by '1st Author or Editor' not correct


Sorting by special field '1st Author or Editor' is wrong as attached screen dump demonstrates. BD Version 1.6.5 (3713). I attach also the entire bib file causing this to happen on my system (OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks).

1 Attachments


  • Fischlin Andreas

    The zipped bib file ''

  • Christiaan Hofman

    This may look wrong at first sight, but there's a logic to it. We group the names first by type (author or editor) and next by name. This actually gives you more information just by the display (i.e. you can directly see whether it's an author or an editor, which you can't if we only sort on the name).

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Fischlin Andreas

    Ok, I was not aware this was intentionally done.

    But then I would like to have a sorting option, say a hidden preference, where I can turn this behavior on or off. I had to compare two bibliographies manually between BibDesk and Mendeley while the latter can not sort in this way. Then sequences do not match at all, making such work very, very cumbersome.

    Of course, such a feature is only rather nice to have than a necessity. Yet, if it would not create to big changes in the code, it would help greatly for such comparisons, notably if the bibliographies are large. I am not sure, but I might not be the only one needing such an option.


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