
#1463 Database search deletes part of the search query

search (1)

When I start a database search by pressing the keyboard shortcut cmd-alt-F and when I immediately continue typing my search query, then BibDesk reproducably deletes some of the text I that I typed.

See attached screen Recording.

Using Bibdesk Version 1.6.3 (3296) on Mac OS 10.10.1

1 Attachments


  • Christiaan Hofman

    Whatever happens, the event handling and buffering is done by Apple's AppKit, we cannot change that.

  • Christiaan Hofman

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
  • Johannes

    Johannes - 2014-12-12

    I object to this ticket being closed so quickly.

    Emotionally, because the bug is really frustrating for me.

    Factually, because we could file an upstream bug report or try to find a workaround:

    1.) If it really is AppKit's fault, I would be willing to report the problem upstream. Does Apple accept bug reports for AppKit? If yes, could you help me formulate a more precise bug description?

    2.) There are usually better and worse ways of using a framework. Can the bug be fixed in BibDesk by making better use of AppKit?

  • Christiaan Hofman

    What we do is very basic and standard, all we do is make the text field first responder and select the text. This is so simple, that we cannot do this any better or differently. Apparently 10.10 adds all kinds of stupid delays in its UI updating, which is causing the problem. As it's in the basic framework, we cannot avoid it. Yes, Apple accepts bug reports at, you could use the description of what happens that I gave.

  • Johannes

    Johannes - 2014-12-12

    Thank you very much for your response and re-consideration!

    all we do is make the text field first responder and select the text

    Maybe selecting the text is what causes the problem? I.e., is it possible that selecting the text causes further keystrokes to overwrite (and thus delete) previously typed text?

    • Christiaan Hofman

      Selecting the text is standard practice. Look at other apps. So we should do it. And the problem is not so much with the selecting. The problem is that AppKit on 10.10, apparently, delays the actual of selection until after you had a change to type some characters, even though we call it immediately.

  • Johannes

    Johannes - 2014-12-12

    thank you! I created an upstream bugreport on , see attached screenshot "apple-bugreport.png".

  • Johannes

    Johannes - 2015-01-30

    I got this response from Apple:

    Apple Developer Relations29-Jan-2015 07:08 PM

    We need more information to investigate this issue.

    If the search field already has text in it, it will select all when made first responder. All you should do is:
    [window makeFirstResponder:searchField].

    -- search field selects text already.

    Please provide your response or results by updating your bug report.

    Please compress any bundled files (e.g. nested folders) prior to uploading.

    ...I don't full understand if/how this can help improve BibDesk.
    @Christian: Maybe you can comment on this? thx!


  • Johannes

    Johannes - 2015-02-06

    I understand Apple's comment as a suggestion to only make the text field first responder, i.e., to not select the text. I guess that AppKit will select the text automatically when making the field first responder.

  • Johannes

    Johannes - 2015-03-10

    Got another response from Apple:

    The search field already selects text when given first responder status. If you select text again afterwards, you'll be waiting for queued up key events that occurred during the animation. Which will cause the user to overwrite characters.

    ... from which I understand that BibDesk should make the search field first responder, BUT BIBDESK SHOULD NOT SELECT THE TEXT, because its text will already be selected when it is made first responder.

    Please re-open and fix this issue.
    thx, Johannes


    Last edit: Johannes 2015-03-10
  • Christiaan Hofman

    this has already been fixed in the nightlies

  • Christiaan Hofman

    • status: closed-wont-fix --> closed-fixed

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